4- Dinner with the Dallas' (part2)

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Knock knock.

A few seconds later, a women with brown hair and brown eyes opened the door.

She smiled as she looked at all of us.

"The Masons are here! Come down everyone". She called, back into the house.

She welcomed us in, and led us into the living room.

The house smelt like cooking chicken, and Caesar salad. Yum!!

"You must be Avery". She smiled, shaking my hand.

I gave her a smile back, as I shook her hand too.

"You're parents told me a lot about you. I'm Gina". She says.

"Hi". I quietly greet, as our hands stopped shaking.

As she was about to say something else, loud footsteps came stomping down the wooden staircase, catching everyone's attention.

Two boys appeared at the bottom of the steps.

I noticed Cameron immediately, and he noticed me.

He let out a smirk as he eyed me up and down.

I rolled my eyes, and sighed quietly.

The other boy looked at me and scanned me as well.

He had the same floppy hair as Cameron, except his was more blonde coloured, and he had the same eyes. But the face and body were totally different.

Cameron was more muscular and tan, while he was more thinner but taller.

"Boys, I'd like you to meet Avery". Gina says, gesturing to me.

Their eyes travelled from their mother over towards me.

"Avery, I'd like you to meet Noah and Cameron". She says, pointing at Noah and then to Cameron.

I nod my head and give in a little smile.

The boys smiled, as they looked at me.

As I looked at them, I realized Cameron was wearing a plain white tee-shirt, and a pair of black khakis.

"I'll show Avery around mom". Cameron smirks, as he looks at me.

A knot was forming in the pit of my stomach, making me feel queasy.

Gina and my parents smiled. "Okay, but dinner is going to be ready soon".

Cameron nods as he takes my hand and leads me upstairs.

Once we were out of sight, I snatched my hand out of his grip.

Cameron looked at me, startled by my sudden movement.

"Woah dare tiger". He laughs.

"What are you doing?" I ask in a yell-whisper.

"Showing you around". He smirks, as he opens a bedroom door.

I was assuming it was his, considering that there was a sign saying Cameron on the door.

"In your room?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

He smiles. "Yeah".

He pulls me into his neat and tidy room, and shuts the door.

"This is my room". He says.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock". I spit.

"Why are you so rude?" He asks, looking at me.

"How can I be nice, when you frickin videotaped me dancing naked in my room, and then you come over and pretend that nothing happened". I say, pointing towards the window of his room, that's straight across from my room next door.

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