43- The aftermath

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I stared at him. Calmly sleeping beside me. His muscular arms were wrapped around me, clutching me close to him like a teddy bear. It was cute when he slept. His hair was messy, his lips were slightly open, and his face was squished against the cushioning pillow. He looked like a five year old actually.

It was currently 11:00 in the morning. We were both unable to sleep last night, considering all Cameron talked about was how amazing our unexpected sex was. He wouldn't shut up. We fell asleep around 4:00 in the morning and here we are now.

I lifted my hand out of the covers and touched Cameron's face. I dragged my finger across his skin, tracing all of his features. His eyes. His nose. His lips. And his jawline. His face twitched as I reached his cheek, and one eye slowly opened. His hazel eye spotted me and he let out a faint smile.

"Good morning baby". Cameron's morning voice said. God his sleepy voice was so attractive! I let out a smile. "Good morning Cameron". I reply.

His naked legs tangled with mine underneath the blankets. I totally forgot that we were naked. Cameron kissed my cheek, causing me to smile. He then held me closer.

"Um Cameron?" I ask.

Cameron lifted his head off of me. "Yeah?"

"I have to pee". I laugh. Cameron's arms loosened around me, letting me free.

"Oh okay". He chuckles.

I sit up, with the blanket still wrapped around me, and stand up.

Cameron stared at me and mentally rolled his eyes.

I felt his hand grab the blanket and pulled it off of me.

"Cameron!" I exclaim, trying to grab the blanket back. I don't know why, but I didn't want him to see me naked at the moment. 

"What?" He asked, as he sat up into a sitting position.

I didn't say anything, I just tried to cover up my regions.

"I seen you naked already like a hundred times". He chuckles. "Don't worry about it".

I stare at the wooden floor.

"You're beautiful". He says, pulling me back and pressing his lips against my neck.

I smiled at his touch, and pulled away.

"But I need the blanket to go to the bathroom. What if your moms here? What if Noah sees me?" 

"Oh yeah". Cameron laughs. "My moms not here, but I don't want Noah to see you".

He hands the blanket back to me. I wrap it around myself and walk outside into the hallway.

My back ached as I walked.

I got into the bathroom, and shut the door behind me. I did my business and washed my hands.

As I opened the door again to go back to Cameron's room, I bumped into a large figure.  I jumped at the thought that it was Noah, but when I looked up, it wasn't. It was Cameron. He wore a pair of grey Calvin Klein boxers.

He pushed me back into the bathroom, and locked the door behind us.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as my back touched the countertop.

Cameron leaned down and kissed my neck.

"Let's shower together". He whispered into my ear.

I looked at him in surprise. "Shower?" I laughed. "Together?"

Cameron kisses me again, and nodded his head. "Yes. Let's shower".

It didn't sound like he was asking me to. He was telling me too.

Cameron began the shower, letting water spray from the tap. I stood behind him, staring at him. I've never showered with anyone before! It was kind of scary to me.

Cameron looked back at me with a smile on his face.

"Coming?" He asks.

I stood behind him with the blanket still wrapped around me. I hesitated.

Cameron lent out his hand and waited for me to grab it. I extended my hand and grabbed ahold of it. He pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me.

"It's gonna be okay". He whispers.

I felt his hands travel to the small of my back. He groped the blanket and pulled it off of me, leaving me standing naked against him.

The blanket fell to the floor and cold air rushed against my bare skin.

Cameron's arms were still wrapped around me. He led me to the shower and got in.

With our hands still connected, he pulled me in with him, and warm gentle water immediately rained over me.

I quickly got used to it and before you knew it, we were both taking turns washing our bodies and hair.

As I backed away, so that Cameron could get under the water, I felt Cameron's presence behind me.

His hands grabbed my waist, pulling me into him. His chin rested on my shoulder and I felt his lips against my neck.

He placed a kiss on it, and then spun me around so that the front of our bodies were pressed together.

His soaking wet hair, dripped onto my face, splashing me in the eyes and down my nose.

Cameron quickly pushed back his hair and looked down at me.

Our foreheads were touching and his lips were barley touching mine.

His grip on my waist got tighter.

"You know I love you right?" He asks, his voice was barely audible.

"Yes". Was all I said.

He kissed me on the lips before continuing what he was going to say.

"I mean it". He says.

I continue to stare into his hazel brown eyes, as the water splashed down on my back.

"I'm not usually like this".

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused on what he'd said.

"I mean, ever since you've came into my life, I've changed. I'm not that jackass kid anymore".

Actually... He kind of still is.

"You kind of are". I giggled.

"Shut up". He ordered. "You know what I mean".

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"But I mean it. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I've never looked at a girl the way I look at you. I've never taken the time and got to know someone, the way I did to you. And I've never never cried over any girl except you".

The words coming out of his mouth, fulfilled me in happiness.

"Awe Cameron". I say, running my fingers through his tangled wet hair.

He lets out a smile.

"I mean it". Cameron reassures once again.

"I know". I laugh.

I stood up on my tippy toes and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you too".

We may have our ups and downs in this relationship, but god I can't get enough from him.

Even he'd do the stupidest, shitiest thing to me, deep down, I'll still care about him and love him.


30 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter!!!

If anyone wants to talk, you should hit me up on snapchat :) And we can both fantasize over Cameron and like obsess over the stupidest things😂

My users; Lifeof3mily

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