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I dreaded going to school today. I have to face Cameron in two periods today, and I'd rather not see his face at the moment. Actually, never again!

He messed up this relationship. It made me terrified to even start a new relationship.

Cameron was my first kiss. My first crush. And most importantly... He was my first love.

I rolled around in my bed, so that the blankets were tangled around me.

It was nice and cozy. I never wanted to leave.

Maybe I can just fake being sick, and stay home from school. Maybe I can ditch school!

I stayed in bed for another ten minutes, until my mom came in.

"Avery, you up?" My mother asks, as she opens the door to my bedroom.

I pretended to be sleeping, hoping she wouldn't make me get up.

Unfortunately, she didn't take my hints, because the next thing you knew, she ripped the blankets off of me, making my body run cold.

"Hey!" I wine, as I try to cover myself up again.

"Get up! For else you're going to be late like yesterday!" She ordered.

I mentally rolled my eyes in annoyance.

She left the room, leaving the door wide open.

I crawled out of bed, and quickly ran over towards my closet.

I grabbed a pair of sweatpants, a white t-shirt, and a pair of vans. I didn't care what I looked like today.

I ran my fingers through my long, tangled hair, getting out all of the knots.

I then put my hair in a high, messy bun, and speed-walked to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, and applied the thinnest coat of mascara.

I looked like a bum, but I really didn't care.

I ran down the stairs, and grabbed my school bag.

Slinging it over my shoulders, I grabbed the door handle and ran out of the house.

I bursted down the sidewalk, hurrying to get to school.

As I ran, a faint voice called my name.

I tried to ignore the familiar voice, and kept on running.

The sound of wheels screeched against the road, causing me to turn around.

As I turned around, a black jeep pulled up beside me, and Cameron jumped out.

He ran towards me and grabbed my wrist.

The momentum of my body, made me thrust backwards, almost making me loose my balance.

I stumbled a little, but their hand snuck around my waist, keeping my posture upright.

My eyelids snapped shut.

"Avery". His husky voice calmly said.

His breathing was heavy, and out of breath.

My eyes remained shut.

"Avery, please listen to me". The voice spoke.

I felt his hand sweep loose hairs behind my ear.

"There's nothing to speak of". I say, trying hardly not to cry.

I opened my eyes, seeing that Cameron was only centimetres away from me.

His hazel brown eyes were sullen and shallow. There were dark bags beneath his eyes, and stained with dried up tears.

He looked like he was crying all night.

His shaggy,chestnut hair was messily scattered across his forehead, and he wore black sweatpants and a grey hoodie.

"I'm sorry". He apologizes, as he grabs ahold of my hands.

He rubbed the top of my hand with his thumbs, tracing little circles across my skin.

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

I didn't forgive him. He cheated on me. He shouldn't deserve to be forgiven.

"It was a mistake". He says.

I roll my eyes. "Cheating on me was a mistake?!" I practically yell. "You fucked up Cameron!"

His pink lips began to quiver, as if he was going to cry.

I snatch my hands out of his grip and continued to walk to school.

I only walked a few steps, before Cameron basically grabbed me.

He picked me up the waist, and threw me over his shoulder.

"Cameron!" I yell, beginning to punch his back.

He walked us over to the passengers side of his vehicle, and threw me in the car.

Before I could get up and open the door, he had already slammed the door in my face.

I pulled on the door handle, but he had locked it.

Cameron got in, in the drivers seat, and began driving.

"Where are you taking me?!" I yell.

"I need to explain things". He says, speeding down the road.

"Explain what?!" I yell.

I started to feel tears brimming up in the corners of my eyes.

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve, wiping away loose, spilling tears.

"Just bare with me okay?!" He yells, harshly.

"No! This is kidnapping! You can't just throw me in a car and expect me to listen to you!"

I begin to pull on the door handle, trying to escape from all this madness.

"Avery! Stop it!" Cameron orders, as I banged on the window.

I look over at him to see his face streaming with tears.

"Let me out!" I demand.

He took his eyes off of the road and began yelling at me.

"I need you to listen to me Avery! I fucked up okay?! And I'm terribly terribly sorry".

My eyes became hot.

I looked out the window, to see the vehicle coming face to face with a large brick building.

"CAMERON!" I scream. "LOOK OUT!"

Cameron's head immediately faces the front, but before he could even turn the wheel, the jeep had smashed into the building.


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