Chapter Sixteen: Erik

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Hey, People. It's finals week for most of us so I hope that this week is going well for most of you! Just think it'll be Christmas soon! Just hang in there. But for now I hope this chapter can help you escape a little bit!


"Absolutely not." I tell Winston who was currently standing in front of my desk. Trying to get me to the insane idea he called a plan.

He signs in exasperation and turns is gaze towards Amelia who had been standing silently beside him while he told me this plan of his.

I look at Amelia. "You're not telling me you listened to this plan."

"I promised him I would listen." She says.

I sigh running my hands down my face.

"I can do this, Erik. Just let me find him." he says stepping towards the desk.

I sigh and lean back into my chair. "How are you going to find this old friend of yours? You haven't seen him in two years." I stand up. "I can't let you go into unknown territory alone to find a old friend who may help us. We have no allies in that kingdom."

"I know, but I used to live there... so no one would think it strange that I would return."

"Yes, not many. But do you remember why you're here? Those people will certainly remember you." I remind him.

Amelia looks at both of us with a questioning look.

Winston clenches his jaw, the muscles in his jaw showing themselves. He closes his eyes. "I know..." he whispers, "I know. But I can do this he can help, he has connections inside the royal palace." He looks towards me again his eyes steely. "And I know that you can't let one of the pack go with me."

I sigh and look at Amelia. "Can you give us a moment, Milla?"

"Of course." she says, looking at us and then leaving the room.

I turn back to Winston.


There is a soft knock on my office door, I look up from the pile of documents that I'd been listlessly looking over for the past two hours. "Come in!"

The door cracks open and Amelia's scent fills the room. Her brunette head comes around the corner of the door.

"What can I do you for, Milla?"

She slightly smiles. "I came to see if you were alright..." she shuts the doors behind her.

"Yes, my injuries are fine..." I sigh a little. "Just a little tired from looking at paper work is all." I smile slightly. "You would know a little something about that."

She smiles and begins laughing slightly, her eyes closing and crinkling around the corners of her eyes. Lighting up her face just a little bit more than usual. An expression I thought that I would never see in front of me again.

Her laughter fades off, and she notices me looking. Her expression turns into one of curiosity. "What?"

I look away. "Nothing..."

Silence falls between us, but it's comfortable.

"You know Winston's plan. I was opposed to it at first, but he is right, you cant send any of the pack with him. I would go but... My circumstances don't allow me to do so and Van is still looking for me."

I notice how she shutters slightly upon mentioning Van and it reminds me that she was here under certain circumstances. That she was under trial for her dissertation of the pack and her duties. Again I wonder what happened to her out there, although she smiles around us sometimes the smile on her face never quite reached her eyes. In some ways I found her to be more closed off than before.

Too silent sometimes.

"Yes... Milla, just between us can I ask what happened to you out there. What did Van do to you?"

"I believe that I've already mentioned that in front of everyone else..."

"Milla, I know you and I can see the other scars peeking from your shirt..."

She sighs and then takes a seat in the chair in front of me. "Besides the things I mentioned... there is actually more to it I told you that he never tortured me because of my value. But it's not completely true, my back and some regions of my legs are pretty scarred from him trying to break me, he even tried to use isolation and the elements to break me."

My eyes widen.

She scoffs, her eyes getting a far off look as she seemingly goes back into that time. "Days without food or sunlight, locked in a hole where I could neither find my time or orientation." She smiles mockingly. "Sometimes he almost won, I thought my own stench would drive me crazy, I could feel the dirt and blood on me like fresh maggots crawling across my skin eating me alive. I was afraid my wolf would come out and I would devour myself." her hands begin digging into her own arms and the scent of blood hits the air. She smiles again this time, sadly, when she speaks her voice is but a whisper. "The fool thought that I would come sniveling back to him, that what he wanted but I'd die before that happened..."

I come around the desk and kneel in front of her removing her nails from her arms. "Hey, look at me, you're here. You're safe, with me. With the pack." I hold her face in my hands, and brush away some of the tears that had spilled from her hazel eyes as she, looks at me with large eyes. I wipe the tears from her face gently. "You won't have to go through that ever again, he won't get his hands on you as long as I breathe." I brush a piece of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "You got that?"

She places one of her hands over mine and nods quietly, a small smile bringing some of the life back to her face.

And then she just stares, not just at me, but into me. My wolf was beginning to stir, this was the stare of an Alpha.

An Alpha female no less.

Her face moves slowly closer to mine, closing the space between us inch by inch.

Suddenly a loud knock shatters the peace, I close my eyes in annoyance but still stay in the position that I was in and I can still feel her eyes on me.

"What." I growl in annoyance.

The door swings open and one of the members of the regular guard stands there. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Alpha. But there is important news for you."

"What is it?"

"One of the guards was found knocked out, when he came to he said one of the servants had done it. Your and his highnesses."


I look back at Amelia to see that she now has a troubled expression across her face, and I'm sure thinking the same thing that I am.

Damn it, Winston! 


Hello beautiful readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter please don't forget to like, share, and comment. Your feedback means a whole lot to me! Until the next time! ^-^/ I need at least three comments for this chapter to unlock the next one!  


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