Chapter Thirty

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"Again, and this time focus more on the stance, rather than where you attack is going. Even if you attack does hit what good does it do you if you're on the ground as well." I say, the afternoon air filled with dust from, making some of the sunbeams have little particles.

Winston groans from his position on the ground.

"Doesn't feel too good does it?"

I hear him make a slight noise of annoyance as he pulls himself off of the ground into a sitting position. "Was it really necessary to knock me back that hard?"

I slightly laugh. "No, but now that you know what it feels like you shouldn't let it happen again, eh?"

He glowers. "I'm glad to see that my pain has put you in a better mood," He brushes himself off standing up to face me. "I almost wish you would go back to brooding all day because you seem to enjoy this way too much."

I pat him on the back and he almost stumbles forwards a little. "Don't worry, I won't push you anymore today. Tonight's the big night after all and you're going to need all of the energy you have." I turn to put away the weapons, we'd had out practicing forms. "Nervous?"

He scoffs. "Nervous? Me? No, never..." he nervously laughs, he rolls his eyes. "It's not like I'm going to experience the most painful thing i've ever experienced." he snorts. "Oh, and yeah, I'll only be turning into a wolf."

I chuckle. "I'm guessing the pack has been telling you things right?" I cross my arms, "Don't worry it's not as bad as they make it sound, they're just picking on you because your new. Besides Ara will be beside you the whole time so that'll be a distraction."

He smiles. "I guess you're right... has anyone ever gone it alone? Did you?"

A memory comes over me, the night sky clear and full of stars. I remember thinking how the stars couldn't be any be brighter. The night couldn't be anymore perfect and completing this set were the two hazel eyes looking back at me.

I smile. "No, I didn't go alone."

"But I did..."

We both turn around to see Amelia walking towards us a dress fluttering behind her as was the usual these days, there were rare days when you saw her out of them when she wasn't in lessons with the queen which required her to shadow her majesty to meetings and other events.

She stops, greeting us both with the slight bow of her head.


She meets his eyes. "Because I had something to prove, they didn't believe I could be Alpha of this pack."

"Yeah, and while you were "proving your worth", you made everyone worried sick. Nothing like it had been attempted." I scoff.

"Oh, ye of little faith, I'm here now aren't I?" she slightly rolls her eyes, giving me a small smile.

But then her smile disappears and she looks away from me awkwardly as she had been for a couple of days after the attack from the cloaked figures. I know it has nothing to do with that but with what I'd confessed to her. It wasn't just that though, there was something else about her though that seemed a little off she didn't seem as lively and I noticed during meetings that she would zone out completely.

Not the usual behavior of someone I've known to be able to take on ten wolves at one time.

"Are you alright, Milla?" I ask.

Her eyes turn to me the light going through them, though today her eyes seemed to be a dark green, almost black. "Yes, just a little tired... but I should get to why I came here Winston, I've come to get you and deliver you to Ara. You both need to leave within the next ten minutes if you want to make it to the field when the moon rises. You're already packed I presume?"

He nods, pointing towards the bag that lied on the outskirts of the training floor.

"Good then we'll get going, Erik..." She says bowing her head slightly towards me, while walking towards the exit Winston right behind her. He gives me a little salute as they disappear.

I sigh. I hope it goes well...


Amelia P.O.V

The smell of the incense in the room surrounded me, the mix of vanilla and lavender. The Queen's favorite scents other than that of her husband.

"Amelia, Are you here?" questions the Queen.

"Yes, Luna? What is it, I'm sorry."

She sits in front of me a slight frown on her face. "What's wrong my dear? You've been distracted these past couple of days. What preoccupies you?"

I sigh. "It's nothing that you should worry about your majesty."

She grabs one of my hands in hers, the cold of the rings that adorned her hands seeping into my flesh. they glimmered in the candle light around the room making the gold, glimmer warmly. The spring breeze was coming in through the windows moving the curtains slightly in wards. "My dear, that is nonsense, you are my soon to be daughter-in-law. If there is something bothering you, say it. Did Leonardo do something?"

"Leo? No, never he's been caring for me in a ways I've never dreamed of." I chuckle. "He's too good for me..."

The queen smiles. "You've no idea how much he thinks of you, do you? in fact he thinks that he's not worthy to stand at your side. He thinks you're too good for him."

I look at her confusedly. "But I'm far less than worthy to be at his side."

"I know what your thinking, dear, but he's alway thought highly of you, he's always admired you from afar. Even when he did complain about the way you berated him over his every move. I could tell that he enjoyed the attention you gave him." her smile disappears. "But that's not what bothers you."

I shift a little uncomfortably, wondering if I should tell her this, what's been going on but I felt that if I didn't I was going to burst. I could trust the queen not to disclose this to anyone if I asked and I certainly couldn't bring this to Leo or Erik.                

One of the servants come and sit two glasses of water in front of us we thank them before they retreat I take a sip of the water to stop the dryness in my mouth.

"I... I've been feeling as if I've made the wrong choice. I can't help but feeling that things have been rushed. I don't know if I made choices for the right reason or at the right time..."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how I told Elder Leopard, about the traitors in our mix during my trial?"

She slightly tenses up upon hearing this but nods.

"I'm afraid that my rashness has put everyone in danger. Maybe I should have let them take me to the pit."

She grabs onto my hands tighter and her blue eyes looking into mine blazingly. "Don't you say that. Do you know what that would've done to everyone here especially my son. This pack just recovered from losing you the first time."

I feel my eyes begin to cloud with tears. I take another sip of water and hold the goblet in between my hands it was shaking slightly. "I-I love Leo... But-" and then all of a sudden the high pitched noise comes higher than ever, my vision instantly blurring   I feel the cup fall from my hands and everything seems to happen in slow motion I feel my back and forehead pulsate.

The last thing I see is the Queen's face looking at me worriedly and then calling to the guards for help before I fall into the senseless void.


Hola, beautiful people! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Muhehehehehehehehe. What could possibly be going on with Amelia? And Winston is finally getting his wolf on! Let's make a deal, at least five comments below on your thoughts and I'll give you a bonus chapter along with my next update, It'll be a special featuring Winston and Arabella and maybe I'll throw in a picture of Winston's wolf in that chapter using the multimedia in the lines of the chapter. Until the next time! Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. I love to see the input on how I can make my story better! ^_^/


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