Chapter Thirty-Five Erik

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The night air was crisp and clear as could be this time of year, the moonlight shines down on us from above and the smell of the freshly bloomed flowers mixes with the pines.

"Jewels, is there anything you see?"

She shakes her head, pink eyes glimmering. "We're clear..."

I nod. "Bridge, Orion,"

"Yes, Alpha?" they say coming to my side.

"Go ahead of us and look around, Jewels will be behind you in a few minutes and then Luna and I will be last."

They nod immediately heading towards the town, after a few moments of silence Jewels begins making her way down towards the town just leaving me and Luna. She was currently looking around the area her attention focused on that.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"There's an energy here... something sickly and dark. Is that what you had Jewels looking out for?"

I nod. "Do you know what they are?"

"No... I can just sense the negativity cloaking the forest, I am as much apart of nature as it is me." She hugs herself and I see herself shiver. "What ever they are... they are not natural."

As I figured... What we're fighting someone has made with the purpose of watching us... But why?

I look up to Luna one more time whose attention was turned towards the sky, her silver eyes reflecting the light of the moon perfectly. It further reinforced the fact that Amelia wasn't here with me right now, It's almost as if we were searching for her again.


Her attention turns to me. "Yes, what is it?"

"Is it alright if I ask you this?"

She smiles. "You can ask me anything,"

"I saw something in a book that Amelia was looking at, the night you appeared. I couldn't make sense of it but there were diagrams and a phrase... It showed one figure with a Sun under it and the other the Moon, like the exact designs that are on Amelia. The phrase:  'The sun-"

"The sun is to guard it's charge in the light and the moon to love gently, glowing at night. Both protectors come as one for the one great wolf."  She instantly finishes, her gaze slightly turning into one a little somber.

"So you know it?" I ask unnecessarily. "What does it mean?"

She sighs, slightly laughing. "Something equally good and bad at the same time... but it is not my place to tell or admit... That right belongs to Amelia."

I step closer to her. "But how? I she still even here?"

"I can assure you that she is here, she's just not ready to come back yet..."

"Why? We need her..."

I need her.

"Sometimes the hardest person to admit things to is yourself." She sadly smiles. "Now come we should be going to join the others," With that she begins walking back down towards the hill.

I follow after her in silence.


We canvas the town for over an hour but no one had seemed to know anyone or anything Nightshade. Beside me at our table Bridge sighs impatiently his forehead on the table and on the other side of him Jewels was rubbing his back in slow circles.

This makes me smile and wonder if he had finally told her how he felt, for future Alphas sometimes the foresight to see your mate kicked in a little early. In Bridge's case one whole year earlier. Jewels still had about a week left until she was of age and able to see it.

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