Chapter One: Erik

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Five hours before...

The sound of horses whinnying, fills my ears as I sit in the barn and tend to my horse. Brushing and grooming him. While most people might find this boring I find it relaxing. It takes me back to says that were a little happier.

I look up at my horse. "We've had better days right?"

He just looks at me and huffs softly.

"Alpha!" Calls a voice.

"And looks like break time's over." I mutter as the person enters the stall. "What's going on Bridge?" I ask standing up.

"The royal family has requested your presence, Beta is already there." He says.

I sigh. "Bridge."

"Yes sir." He asks jumping slightly.

"Do me a favor and please just call me Erik, until we are with royal family."

He shakes his head.

"Good, please tell them that I'll be on my way."

"Yes, alpha." He covers his mouth at his mistake. "I mean-"

"Bridge, just go."

He nods and scampers off.

I laugh.

I really like Bridge, but sometimes he could be a little up tight, and nervous. But he is still a good kid with a lot to learn.

I say goodbye to my horse and head out making sure that my uniform is in place and that I don't look completely a mess. I reach the doors to the main room and two guards are standing there.

"Alpha." They acknowledge as they open the doors.

I nod once and walk inside and join my Beta Orion. "Your majesty called for me?"

"Yes Erik, thank you for joining us so quickly." Says the king. "We've called you because of reports that Van has been taking girls again for reasons unknown, and the people are outrage that this is happening again."

"Your highness why call us here? This seems like an issue that the regular palace guard can handle." I ask.

The king looks at his wife beside him and then to his son.

What aren't they telling me?

"The recent information we've received, is that the last girl he caught... Has special abilities." Says the prince. "She apparently has the attributes to be wolf like at points, but is completely calm otherwise."

I look over at Orion, he knew exactly what I was thinking and what they were possibly thinking.


"What's the description of this woman?"

"Around five-two, mid shoulder dark brown hair, tan skin with light freckling, and piercing light hazel eyes that seem to pierce the soul and some times they've been known to change color." Says the king.

"What do you want us to do?"

"I need you to find out if these claims are true, if so. Bring her in."

"Yes, sir." I say bowing.

I leave the room Orion right behind me once we are halfway to the barracks, also known as the den.

"Orion, do you think it could actually be her?"

"I don't know, we will have to see when we find this girl." He says.

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