Chapter Twenty: Erik

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My wolf is very agitated, and that meant I was really on edge, like ready to rip anyone's head off if they even looked at me type of agitated. And this all because of Amelia.

My mate.

My Luna.

She's my mate, feelings I thought I had completely suppressed three years ago now coursing through me with full force and without hesitation. But I couldn't find her, it's like she disappeared into thin air again without a trace. I know that not to be true because I could still feel her presence within the castle.

There is a knock on the door.

I let out a growl. "What."

The door opens and Orion's scent immediately fills the room. "It's time, they're bringing her out to face the council."   

I turn and face him and begin to walk out of the room without another word towards him, anyone that was standing in the way immediately moved or lowered their eyes. But I barely noticed them as I walked through the hallways to get to her.

My wolf inside was excited at the prospect of seeing her, he'd been pacing around the pass twenty-four hours. Nearly driving me up a wall and nearly making me rip off members of my pack mates heads in the light of my sudden irritability and aggressiveness.

I reach the doors and the two guards posted say something but I don't hear them as I impatiently go through the doors my eyes immediately searching the room for the familiar crown of brunette tresses belonging to Amelia. And finally I spot her, her gaze already on me, immediately bringing all of my anxiety to ease, my wolf finally stopped stirring.

"Erik..." Her voice and words brush across me as gently, like a warm breeze sending electric quivers through me.


I can see her slightly smiling at me, before her presence disappears from my mind when a guard suddenly jerks her up to the podium causing her to stumble a little in front of the council members. 

I feel a deep growl starting to bubble forward.

"Erik... Don't, I'm alright... stay where you are."

Instantly this settles me.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin." says Elder Leopard.        

The room begins to settle down into quiet whispers among the wolves present all of the Elders look upon Amelia a little sadly. She was once their pride and joy,they'd all taken her under their wing in one way or another, just like they had me. And the whole time I could see that they thought of her even though we were the same age, in their eyes I could see how I could quite never measure up to her in their eyes.

Except for Elder Leopard, he and Amelia had never seen quite eye to eye. Even through her training.

"We are here today, to discuss the case of former Alpha Amelia Hertz, on the counts of deserting her post as a pack leader for reasons unknown." Elder Leopard says, placing down the paper he'd been reading from. "Do you have anything to say about these claims."

Milla slightly smiles. "All you have stated is correct."

"Right, since the accused has no denial to these claims, we can proceed straight to the sentencing."

"Julian..." interrupts Elder Vogel, her soft yet strong voice echoing through the chamber. "We cannot condemn this girl without knowing the reason why she committed such an atrocity against her pack."

Elder Leopard nods begrudgingly.

She turns her attention back towards Milla. "Now, Amelia. Please explain why, someone with a future as bright as yours would do such a thing, why did you run?"

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