Chapter Three: Amelia

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Later that evening I am discharged from the infirmary and now I stand outside of the den. A place that I thought I would never see again, somewhere that was my home. But as of right now it is somewhere that I am fearing will become my worst nightmare. I had committed a taboo among wolves.

I'd deserted them.

As an Alpha I'd deserted them, leaving them with no chain of command basically except for my former Beta who was also blindsided by my actions. I'd just left them when they needed me the most and it was going to be a long road before I would have that trust back if ever.

There is no reason to hesitate... they probably already know I'm here... I take a breath and push open the doors known only as the den.

The den is a massive space, the floors were of wood unlike the rest of the palace which had stone flooring. The main entrance is also the meeting space for the whole pack, there are also three hallways that split into living dorms, training areas if it wasn't fit to do so outside, and eating hall; Supported by wooden beams is the balcony showcasing the fact that there was an upstairs where the Alpha and other high ranking officers stayed.

Nothing's changed at all...

Speaking of the meeting area, I am currently the center of attention of the room. Everyone stopping and looking, whispering to the person next to them. But no one dared to say anything to me, I guess that was one of the good things about still having my aura as an Alpha.

The familiar scent of cooling pines hits my nostrils, I can feel my inner wolf whimper slightly. How I felt at this moment, happy to know Erik is here but at the same time dreading the reunion.

He inclines his head at me. "Come up." He says through our mental link, I'm shocked to still find it there, I was sure that he would cut it.

But it was different at the same time, his voice now carried the authority of an Alpha male and I nearly shivered.

I turn to the left and head up one of the two staircases that led upstairs and headed directly into the Alpha's office where when I walked in. Orion, Jewels, Bridge, and Erik were waiting for me.

I close the door and politely address Erik and Orion. "Alpha Erik, Beta Orion..."

Silence greets me.

"Leave us." Commands Erik.

"Yes, Alpha."

All of them leave albeit a little reluctantly.

The door closes behind me once again.

"Please, take a seat." He says with his hands in front of his mouth propped up by his elbows.

I take a seat and look around the office, most of the arrangement was the same. Even some of my things were still here.

"Why are you here, Amelia?" he asks coldly, his eyes like the ice that covered the ground outside. "Have you actually come to say goodbye before deserting the castle again?"


I try and keep my face neutral. "No, and I'm not leaving either. The king has ordered me to stay here until my sentence can be given."

"So, you're staying with us..." his hands go back down onto the desk.

"I was offered my alpha position back, but I refused it. I'll just be working as a regular foot soldier."

He sighs. "But I cannot ignore the skills you have, you'll be a member of the elite guard and you will help train the cubs. As I'm sure you can smell there are a lot of them here."

He's going to keep an eye on me... good boy...

"Yes, Alpha. Thank you for your kindness."

"You are dismissed, Jewels will be waiting for you outside to show you to your quarters." He says without looking at me, his attention now to some papers below him.

I nod and head towards the door, but I pause with my hand on the doorknob. "Erik... I won't apologize for why I left, but I am sorry for what I put you through- what I put all of you through- I ran away from my duties and committed the ultimate taboo. I won't ask you to forgive me because I don't deserve any of it."

There is no response.

I twist the knob and walk out of the door to meet Jewels.

"This way please." She says trying to be over formal.

I look at her. She's grown out her silver hair and most of her baby fat was gone from around her face. She now had curves that signified that she is a young woman. I can tell that her attitude had matured as well.

This isn't the same thirteen year old I left three years ago...

The thought is bitter sweet, she's nearly a woman now. I missed the important times in her life that I should've been there for. To help guide her through.

"Here you are." She says opening the door.

I look at it in confusion. "These are the Alpha's quarters."

"Yes, but Er- Alpha Erik doesn't use them." She says correcting herself. "This room hasn't been changed since the day you left. upon his orders." She whispers.

I sniff the air, I did indeed smell stale and of dust. Nothing had been moved in three whole years. Shocked I turn to Jewels to ask her why, but she's already gone her scent trailing outside to the training grounds.

I sigh and enter the room shutting the door behind me. I have a lot of burnt bridges to rebuild... first order of business is to open a window and let in some air and light.

The cold winter air hits my face and makes dust swirl around as well. I look around the room, there will be a lot of cleaning before I could step in here without sneezing and nearly suffocating to death.

I notice a glint on my dresser.

When I get closer to inspect it I find that it is a necklace, the silvery glinting of the chain having caught my attention. It was a sun with my birthstone in the middle of it a Quartz. Erik's scent is barely on it. There is also a piece of paper sitting next to it crumpled, when I smooth it out I see the date on it. It was the day I left and also the day-

There is a knock on the door, I quickly place the note and necklace into a drawer.

"Who is it?"

"The Alpha requires your presence."

He could've just mind linked me... Instead of a messenger... does he resent me that much?

"Alright, I'll be right down."

The footsteps retreat from the door.

I can sense the Cubs gathering in the training area outside. Looks like he's going to put me to work already. Out of the frying pan and into the fire... There is no turning back from the second he found me that option was gone.

I steel myself for the training session ahead.
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The song above is Nocturne from the Tron Legacy soundtrack! Please leave a comment below of your thoughts I am grateful for your support! Until next time! ^_^/

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