Chapter Fifteen: Amelia

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Hey, beautiful readers! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving and are getting through these last couple weeks of school before winter break! But that's enough from me, back to the story! Enjoy!


Leo puts himself in front of me springing back from his slight encounter with the beast in front of us. Bright red blotches drip into the snow, turning the sharp clean air filled with the metallic scent of blood and mixing with the foul scent of the beast.


"I'm alright, it's just a small gash, i'll be fine." He growls slightly, looking at the creature. "What is that thing?"

"I suspect what has been giving us so much trouble."

"Stay behind me, I don't want you getting hurt."

I look at him incredulously. "I'm not going to do that, we've seen what those things have done to the rouges. I am more than capable of protecting myself, I think I've at least proved that."

He looks back at me. "And that's exactly why I want you to stay back, what we've seen left of those rogues. I can't..." He whips around again, meeting the creature's blood red eyes. "I can't lose you again."

"Your highness..."

"Now stay back."

My wolf whines as I stand back as he asks. My stomach was telling me not to let him do this, but I knew if I fought it would distract him more than do any good.

Leo charges at the creature snarling ferociously, the next couple of minutes are full of teeth and claws, snarls piercing the air. Soon more blood and fur cover the ground, more of it being Leo's than the creature's. I begin to shift nervously, my paws itched to help him and a growl was beginning to bring itself up my throat.

The beast pins Leo down and has its jaws bent down ready to make one swift bite to his neck. Leo growls and struggles furiously underneath the creature, I could see the the whites of his eyes as he struggled and then his eyes meet mine.

"Amelia, run. Get back to the castle and warn them!"

"You'll die if I do that!"

"This is not up for debate now do as I order!"

I growl in frustration.

The beast lunges down going in for the final killing blow.


Suddenly a blurry shape flies at the creature, knocking it off balance and off of Leo, the shape circles around to stand in front of me.


"Are you hurt?" he asks.

"No, but Leo-"

"I'll be fine, it's just a minor scratch." Leo interrupts, coming to stand next to Erik.

Erik nods his head. "Is that the creature we've been looking for?"

"Yes, and it is quite formidable."

The creature holds the bleeding wound on its side from Erik's attack, the two pairs of red eyes stare at us menacingly before running off into the woods.

Why in the world would the creature run off? unless it's completed what it was ordered to do.

"The castle, we need to get back, this was a distraction." I say.

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