Chapter Thirty- Eight: Erik

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We all stand in my office heavy silence no one able to say a word, the queen's cries still echoed through the castle. The prince was worse for wear but trying to hold together his broken mother, the worse thing that could happened to any of us had happened to her.

Things had gotten worse when we found Orion stabbed down in Van's empty cell. Luckily the blade hadn't been laced with wolves bane. But this good news was overshadowed by the fact that before Orion had passed out he told us that Winston was the one to do this to him.

Winston, a blue eyed, goofy, smiling, clumsy, protective, loyal, fluff ball of sunshine, Was the one to do this, the thought was unbelievable. But I couldn't deny that Winston did his have his own share of demons and a past that he didn't want to talk about.

But when I went down there Winston's scent was all over the place mixed with Van, plus the fact that he had seemingly disappeared along with Van.

"Winston... why would he do such a thing... I can't believe that he would..." Says Bridge.

Jewels and Terra weren't in the room, they were standing at Orion's side waiting for him to wake up.

"That's because he wouldn't." Growls Ara, "There is something obviously wrong with him. That's not our Winston, that's not my Winston." her eyes were defensive everything about her posturing was defensive. 

And I understood how she felt, we all did. 

Luna beside her rubs her back comfortingly.

"I can't imagine he would either, he has such a pure spirit." says Luna, she frowns. "I cant imagine him doing something like this for no reason."

I sigh. "But we cannot deny that it was him, he held the dagger, he stabbed Orion. You cannot reproduce a wolf's scent."

Ara crosses her arms. "And no one is denying that, I'm just saying that something about this is fishy..."

I look at them. "It's past that now, they've killed our king in our own home. As far as I'm concerned we're at war."

I feel my desk splinter beneath my hands, the finality of the words echoing around the room.

We are officially at war.


I sit on the ledge of a window sill for now the the whole entire castle was quiet. But instead of a comfortable silence it was a grieving one, the silence was filled with the beating of heavy hearts.

Suddenly I hear a swish of material behind me and I turn quickly around.

The person jumps at my sudden movement.

"Luna... You shouldn't sneak up on me like that,"

She slightly smiles her hand still on her chest. "Sorry for startling you, Erik. I hadn't intended on it."

"No, no of course, Please have a seat," I say gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

She does so, straightening her dress beneath her. "I can see the gears turning in your head... though whose wouldn't after the events today,"

I smile despite myself. "How's the Prince and the Queen?"

She smiles sadly. "Leonardo has finally gotten her majesty to calm down... at least as much as you can in that type of situation. We were finally able to get her to rest, but the staff and other physicians are watching her."

"That's good... are you staying with his highness tonight?"

She nods.

I look back outside to the line of woods.

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