Chapter Eleven: Amelia

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I make my way over to the Silver Falls pack in the eastern wing of the castle and as soon as I step into the wing two guards come to meet me.

A rather large man approaches me.

"What business do you have here, Rogue?"

I can't miss the way he spits the word rouge from his mouth.

I place what I hope to be a pleasant smile and not the growl I wanted to put on my face. "I was summoned here by your Alpha."

The other guard next to him, a woman, looks at him and then both of their attention is back towards me. "We've received no such signal of this from the Alpha." the woman squares up to me. "Now we'll ask again, what business do you have here?"

"And I've told you that I have summons from your Alpha."

The larger man growls. "Watch how you speak you pack-less, traitor."

This man is really starting to push my buttons, I was not in the mood to play with these weak little pups. but fine if he wanted to play, I'm game.

I growl softly as well.

I see both of them flinch to some degree as they see what and whom they are dealing with. They seem to now recall who and what I was, title of Alpha was just a name that could be taken away, but the show of strength and and the presence you have never leaves you.

I can feel their wolves wanting to submit.

"Both of you stand down." orders Alpha Nickoli as he approaches us from the door, both of the guards do as they're told, immediately greeting their alpha.

"Alpha, we were just stopping the rogue, she says that she has business with you... but we received no word of this."

"Then you should've contacted me instead of almost instigating a fight." 

"But we were-"

"There is no excuse, Amelia is part of the pack here and a former Alpha. As long as we are in here territory we will give her that respect. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Alpha." they answer immediately.

I can feel the energy shimmering off of him, the energy of a wolf who has been alpha for a long time, they shrank under him.

It seems that I've gotten a little rusty...

"You're dismissed."

The two leave immediately.

The Alpha turns to me.

I bow my head respectfully. "You summoned me, Alpha?"

"Yes, please come this way, I'm sorry about my pack."

"It's okay, they are doing as they are supposed to, I am not apart of a pack after all."

He nods, and then gestures for me to follow him, I can feel the stares of the other pack members even as they bow their heads in respect towards him as we pass to get to where he is currently set up.

We sit for a moment in an awkward silence just looking at each other, I squirm a little uncomfortably.

"You must be wondering why I summoned you here."

"I'm sure anyone would, being called to the alpha's private quarters is usually not a good thing. So, yes I am wondering what you could possibly want with me, Is it about my return? If that's the case then it is as the prince stated earlier, they are keeping tabs on me."

He smiles. "Down to business as usual... Yes, it's about some of that, but mostly about you. How are you?"

I have to resist narrowing my eyes at him, why is he so concerned with me?

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking. But why all of the concern for a wolf outside of your pack. Much less a rogue?"

He slightly frowns. "That shouldn't change my concern for one of my former students, rogue or not."

"Well it should, you should be ashamed of me, you shouldn't want to see me. you should be disgusted, if not more than Elder Leopard."

His frown deepens. "Amelia-"

"No, what are we really here to talk about, Alpha."

"I see that you've settled in quite nicely with your pack."

"They aren't my pack, I am no longer an Alpha."

He leans forward on his desk. "I know but the point is that you can be, they are wasting your talents here by just having you be just a foot soldier here."

I narrow my eyes. "Are you trying to impose something, Alpha?"

"Come join our pack, the silver falls could use you."

I'm silent for a moment, my arms across my chest, trying to figure out the best way for me to respond without sounding too angry. "I'm afraid I cannot acknowledge what you're saying."

His brow nits into confusion. "But you can be of great use to-" 

"I'm sorry, you should bring your concerns to Alpha Erik or the royal family..." I bow slightly. "Now if you'll excuse me I have duties that I have to attend to."

I turn away from away from him and out of the double doors before the Alpha could try and stop me from leaving. The two guards at the front of the door don't acknowledge me as I leave their wing.

"Amelia," says Erik.

Oh, thank the goddess!

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Are you done with Alpha Nickoli? I need you to assist me with something,"

"I'm done,anything you need Alpha!"

"Alright..." he says a little hesitantly. "Meet me at the west sector of the territory, tell no one where your going, do you understand?"

"Of course, Alpha... What's the matter Erik?"

There is silence in the connection, and I can feel is wavering doubt and uncertainty.

"I'll explain when you arrive, for now just come quietly." The connection cuts off abruptly.



Hey people! sorry it's been so long, the college life is no joke! Plus it's midterm week, so my life has been a bit more crazy than usual! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment below! I would love to hear from you guys! As always: Until the next time! ^_^/

The song above is Zack Hemsey The End of an Era (Humanity Version) from his CD The Way.


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