Chapter Thirty-Seven: Erik

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I stand in the town square waiting for Marie to show up, but my attention kept being pulled back towards the castle. There was something that had me uneasy about being down here despite Orion's reassurance.

My wolf wouldn't stop stirring. He was wining immensely.

The clearing was beginning to be bathed in moonlight, the stars were beginning to come out and grace the sky.

Where is she?

As if on queue there is a rustling from the woods and out came a familiar brown and silver haired woman.


She looks up at me and slightly smiles, brushing her self off. "Sorry, about being late. I was making sure that I wasn't followed,"

I sniff the air. "And it seems that you were successful,"

She smiles again as silence once again follows over us.

"I have to ask, how does someone like you get involved with something like this?"

She chuckles. "Well sometimes when things are happening in your town you can't helped but get dragged in,"

"How do you know the Shadow? What do they have to do with all of this?" I ask.

"I can't tell you much about her except that she can help you and in fact she's looking for a girl named Amelia... and one of her associates I heard met one of yours a Winston,"

"Winston did mention meeting somebody, he was wondering if they got away..."

"He did and is alive and well..." she smiles.

"I'll be sure to let Winston know,"

"And I Jay..."

I sigh. "We've heard that some unfavorable people are looking for someone named Nightshade by one of our prisoners. And from the sound of her from what you've told me. She's not going to be found unless she wants to be,"

Marie nods. "Did this prisoner say why they were looking for her?"

I shake my head. "Just that who he was working with was looking for someone named Nightshade, it was a name that came up frequently." I pause, wondering if I should tell her about the creatures that have been plaguing us. "We've also been having some other issues with attacks,"

She looks at me her eyes narrowed. "What kind of attacks?"

Before I can answer there is an explosion that I can hear from the direction of the castle and then there are growls surrounding us. Immediately go over to Marie, standing in front of her.

Familiar red eyes leer at us.

What fresh hell is this?

"Phantoms..." she whispers fearfully.

I turn to look at her. "What?"

"I've heard stories of what they've looked like, rumors even, but this is my first time seeing one up close like this."

Alrighty then... looks like i've got my work cut out for me... three against one...

"When I tell you to run, get back to the towns and return home. Let your friends know what is going on here. I'll hold them off..."

She nods. Not even flinching at the fact that I just telepathically talked to her.

Who ever this shadow is... It would be dangerous for them to get to her or her associates...


Without hesitation she takes off in the direction she had come from earlier, I hear her footsteps disappear quickly.

Leaving me with these three lovely beasts.

They growl approaching me slowly.

What ever this was, I knew that it was to keep me from whatever in the hell was going down in the castle.

"Orion! What's going on?"

There's no answer, usually he would answer right away and I could feel a strange emptiness with the connection. Something was definitely wrong and I needed to get back quickly.

The first one lunges and I shift immediately bitting into one's neck and then throwing it aside, heading right into the next one tearing it limb from limb. I stalk the last one snarling, I can taste the metallic of their blood in my muzzle and feel it as it dripped hotly onto the ground.

It pulls out a silver dagger, I can smell that it is also laced with wolvesbane.

I could not afford to get struck by that, if it didn't kill me right away the wound would take months to heal, time we did not have in the situation.

So imagine my surprise when he turns the dagger on himself, slitting his own throat. His hot blood onto the hot ground, but this also meant that he was distracting me whatever they'd come to do was complete.

I sprint off into the forest ignoring the sharp branches and other various items that scratched me on the way over. I arrive near the border to our home, putting on my cloak the sight I met was not a good one. The air was thick with my pack mates blood, the grass was slick with red.

I run through the front doors and everything was quiet. Too quiet, the sight was the same inside as outside bodies littered everywhere.

"Luna! Winston! Orion! Arabella! Your Highness!" I call out.

No answer I continue down the hall heading towards the main chamber, the main throne room. I push the door open and was in no way prepared for the sight before me.

Lying there in the Queen's arms was his majesty dead. Her sobs echoed across the room, like splintered glass .

The king is dead...


I'm sorry that this one is so short, but I promise the next one will be longer as we  get to the end here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment, share, and vote! Also I would like to thank you for over five hundred reads never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this many people taking interest. Until the next time! ^_^/


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