The Struggle

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"Laaaaaaadieeeeeees," his beautifully heavy accented voice calls out, "It's your's truly..." He pauses dramatically for special effect and the butterflies swarm in my stomach as he runs his fingers through his thick curls. "Princetoooooooon!" The crowd goes wild as I smile to myself, I can't help but let out a tiny chuckle as I scoot down lower in my seat, trying to hide my huge grin behind my chemistry book.

Soon, Mrs. Right begins blaring in my ears and I watch on my phone screen as the boys break into their dance routine. I find myself bobbing my head to the music, giggling as Prodigy pops his chest in time to the beat. I frown when the camera pans to the crowd, no one cares about all these screaming girls. Just go back to the stage damn it! Ugh, if you're going to record a concert don't focus the camera on the fans, we're watching the video for the artist.

My smile widens once again when the camera person turns back to the stage.

My chemistry book suddenly slamming down on my desk makes me jump, I look up to find my teacher glaring down at me. I clench my teeth nervously and slowly pull my ear buds out my ears.

My teacher, Mrs. Scott, folds her arms across her chest. "I'm sure you're not using that phone to watch a video about chemistry are you?" She asks me sweetly.

"If I said yes would that get me off the hook?" I ask, flashing an angelic smile towards her.

She chuckles, "Very cute Kacey, now hand it over."

"No Mrs. Scott please, you don't understand!" I practically scream. "Mindless Behavior has planned a very important video chat with a really important announcement in like ten minutes and I need to be one of the first to know what they have to say!" I exclaim in one breath. I hear my classmates laugh and whisper stuff under their breath but I ignore them.

"Kacey, there's only two and a half hours left of school for the year. Mindless Behavior and their important announcement will still be there once school has ended." She says.

"But what if something horrible happens like...." My brain scrambles for something good to say. "Like they're having their last concert ever right here in Boston in one hour. I would miss that because of you!" I exclaim, adding a pouty lip for good measure.

Now my classmates burst out into hysterics. "We'd still be in school in one hour idiot. and I doubt your parents would take you out of school to see some gay band." I hear Matt McGlamery yell out. The class snickers and I roll my eyes.

Mrs. Scott blushes as if she's embarrassed for me but I just shrug it off. My teacher sighs and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, "Kacey, you can have your phone at the end of the day."

With a pouty lower lip and shaky hands, I reluctantly pull my headphones out from under my shirt and wrap them around my phone. I hand her my phone and sit back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest with a huff. She nods and points to my book, signaling for me to start reading the assigned chapter as she heads back to her desk. I glare at her the whole time, hoping my eyes will burn holes into her back.

"Stop frowning Kacey, you'll get wrinkles and Lord knows you don't need anything to make you look worst." The high pitched nasally voice giggles behind me. I grit my teeth together and turn around to glare at London Michaels. Her bright green eyes, olive colored skin and dark silky hair makes her look like an exotic beauty.

"Why don't you take all your hair and swallow it. If I'm lucky enough you'll choke to death." I snap at her. She smirks and drops her hair over one shoulder, it falls down to her waist in curly ringlets.

"Big talk from a brace face, four eyed geek who's hooked on a band that will never even acknowledge her." She fires back. Her perfect lips curling into a smirk and her sleek eyebrow quirking up in a teasing look.

Ok, that one hurt but I'm not going to let her know that. I debate whether I should point out that Mindless Behavior follows me on twitter and I won the biggest TM fan. But instead I shrug my shoulders and turn my back towards her.

London is one of those girls who gets what she wants when she wants it. She's a spoiled rich girl who thinks she's top dog just cuz she's the so called "It Girl" of Sony Parker High school. People treat her like top shizz just cuz her mom is the traffic lady on news 4.

Go figure. I mean its not like her mom is five star famous. Sure our parents watch her mom talk every morning on tv but come on! She's not Oprah.

I sigh and glance at the clock. 20 minutes until lunch, 5 minutes until Mindless Behavior's announcement. And there's no way I'm going to miss it.

My hand shoots up into the air and Mrs. Scott raises her head to look at me. "Yes Mrs. Miller?"

"Um..." I glance around the room. "I have to use the bathroom."

I hear London scoff behind me and I fight the urge to whirl around and swing at her. Mrs. Scott purses his lips, "Kacey if this is one of your tricks just to---"

"I really have to go Mrs. Scott and if you deny my request then you can explain to my parents and doctors why I have a kidney problem and bladder infection." I say matter of factly. "And as far as I know, this recession is getting worst and there's someone in the world who would love to take your job as--"

"Fine!" Mrs. Scott snaps, "Write a pass and go to the bathroom."

"Thank you." I say sweetly. I tear off a piece of notebook paper and scribble out a pass. I smirk as Mrs. Scott signs it and I flounce out of the room. I walk down the isolated hallways, pass the bathroom and swing a left towards the library.

I shake my head with a smirk as I walk down the hall with a skip in my step. The things I do for Prodigy, Princeton, Roc Royal and Ray Ray are gonna get me suspended one day.


Tell me how you like the story so far, what do you think of Kacey? Does she remind you of yourself? lol hope you enjoyed it ^.^


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