The decision

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Kyle's POV

I don't know why I didn't expect him to do it again. I just didn't.
"Please Kyle. Just a year. Spend the year with them and if you hate it there, you can move in with Chris and I." Taylor pleaded. It made me angry, him still trying to convince me to live with my parents. I mean sure; I'm curious and all as to what my family is like, but I love Taylor. I don't want to leave him.
"It wouldn't work. If I went to live with them we'd have to break up. It's like a 10 hour time difference. It would be too difficult." I said. He frowned.
"Just, actually think about it please?" He said. We were still at school and the girls were off at some student council club thing.
"I- fine." I cave. He smiles brightly.

"Oh! Um, I don't think we can hang out today. My dad wants to take us all out for some big family event thing." Taylor says.
"I could leave though if you need a ride home!" He says quickly. I shake my head.
"It's okay. Dave could probably drive me." I tell him. He nods. We both sip at the coffees we bought.

"Are you excited?" He asks randomly.
"For what?" I ask.
"The concert. It's only 2 weeks away." He smirks and I instantly grin.
"I'm really excited. To see Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. Oh my god its gonna be so amazing." I grin. He chuckles and looks at me, amused.
"You're too cute." He smiles. I peck his cheek. The bell rings and we part ways. I head to my cooking class and Jazz meets up with me there.

"Yo." She greets and I nod in her direction as we both put on the hair nets and aprons.
"What are we making today? I forget." She asks.
"Hazelnut tarts I think." I scrunch up my nose. I'm not a fan of tarts, hopefully Taylor likes them.

"Hey Jazz?" I get her attention. She hums in response.
"D-do you think I should live with my parents?" I ask. She turns and gives me her full attention.
"I think you should do what you feel is best. I'm sure they would love you there, but I also knwo that you consider this place your home. You're also graduating so think about your future." Well that didn't help at all. I just nod and we get to cooking.

"You know, if you ever get a blemish or something you could probably just use flour as foundation." Jazz attempts to tease when I add the flour.
"Ha. Ha." I say sarcastically. She giggles then rubs flour on my arm.
"See. Perfect match." She says and I grab a rag to quickly wipe it off. I glare at her and she grins at me.
"Just keep chopping up the nuts." I mumble. She huffs and we finish cooking. They did look nice, but no way in hell was I eating them. I knew how bad it would taste.

I clean myself up then make my way to my next class.

It's boring and I drone through it, not really paying attention.

I meet up with Taylor again after school.
"Do you like hazelnuts?" I ask.
"Uh yea, why?" He chuckles. I pass him the brown paper bag.
"I made them in cooking, I'm not a fan of them." I shrug. He grins and pecks my cheek before digging into the bag. He eagerly takes a bite and moans at the taste. I bite my lip.
"Kyle its amazing!" He exclaims and I chuckle.
"Now come on. I gotta drive you all home then get back to mine." He grabs my hand and I still get those buzzing feelings in my chest and stomach.
"Could you drop me off at work? My uniform is in my bag." I ask.
"Sure. Now let's go." He smiles.

We drive Jess and Jack up to the house before he drops me off at the mall. I kiss him goodbye quickly then head to the bathrooms to change. Once that is finished I make my way up to the store. I walk in and there's a few people wandering; not much going on. Then I see a flash of purple and blue hair.

"Hey Lisa." I smile.
"Hey man! Haven't seen you in a bit how you been?" She asks, setting down a box she was carrying.
"I've been alright. Yourself?" I ask.
"Been doing good. I think I've got a good chance at getting into that uni I've been trying for."
"Oh that's great. Hey can I ask you something?" I ask.
"Shoot." She nods. I briefly explain my parents situation and ask for her opinion.

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