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Taylor's POV

I woke up, seeing my beautiful boyfriend laying beside me, in my arms. It was an amazing sight to wake up to.
I didn't want to leave him, but I was hungry and I doubt anyone else will make food for everyone.
I got up and headed down to the kitchen, sliding down the railing.

"Your gonna hurt yourself doing that." I hear a male voice say. I roll my eyes and turn to see Ryan.
"I haven't yet. Guess I'll just keep trying." I say and he rolls his eyes and walks down the stairs. He walks past me and flops down on the couch.

"I'm hungry." He whines.
"Make something." Ryan tries to order.
"Well maybe if you ask nicely." I tease and he glares at me.
"I'm not gonna be nice to a faggot." I spin around. I storm over to him.
"That's a nice bruise you got there." I smirk and his eyes widen.
"My, faggot of a boyfriend did that to you. He's such a small little thing isn't he? I'm much bigger and stronger then him. Wait till you see what I can do." I threaten and he smirks. This little fucker.
"You won't do shit. God you don't want your daddy to be upset." I flip there and punch him in the opposite cheek then Kyle did. He screams as the blow knocks him off the couch.
"You hit me!" He cries out.
"Damn right I did. Listen kid your in my house. You are my family's guest. So show some damn respect." I glare at him. Tears streak down his face.
"Now get up and follow me." He doesn't move.

I sigh and grab him by the back of his shirt and drag him into the kitchen.
"You know how to cook?" I ask as he crawls into the chair. He shakes his head and looks down.
"Your gonna learn. Your mom can't be doing everything back at the house. That's just unfair. So get some ice on that fucked up face while I get what we need to make for breakfast. For everyone." I emphasize the last bit. He nods and walks over to the freezer.

I pull out some bacon, eggs, bread, and pancake mix. Along with some milk.
I look over and see him leaning against the counter with an icepack moping. I roll my eyes for the millionth time today.
"If your gonna talk shit at least know how to back it up." I sigh.
"Would you ever hit your kids?" He asks quietly.
"No." I say instantly. He looks up and tears are flowing rapidly down his face.
"Then why would you hit me? What if you had a child like me?" He says angrily.
"That's different. I treat you as though your a younger brother. I used to fight with my brother all the time."
"Where is your brother?" He asks.
"He joined the military. I think he's still alive. Not sure, should be though he's a touch motherfucker." I say. I miss him. A lot.
"I'd never hit anyone. Ever." Ryan says sternly.
"Why?" I ask.
"My, my dad used to hit me and my mom." He sighs. My eyes widen.
"Shit man I-"
"No don't worry. I've been a shithead. I should let you guys know I'm bipolar." He says.
"That would've been amazing to know." I say sarcastically. He glares at me.
"That's why I told you dingbat." He says just as sarcastically.
"Are you actually homophobic?" I ask.
"Nah. Just had a bad time. Seriously I'm sorry dude."
"Truce?" I ask.
"Truce." He says.
"Hug it out?"
"Isn't that gay?" Ryan questions and I laugh.
"My little prince is upstairs. I'm not gay for you your fam." I say and he laughs before hugging me.

"Woah." I hear and I turn to see Kyle. He stills has on my shirt, but put on his jeans. I walk over and hug him, kissing him on the top of the head.
"What happened to you guys?" He asked.
"We worked everything out." I smile and Kyle smiles back.
"I'm hungry. Did you guys make anything? Or just like some hardcore bro time?" Kyle asks and Ryan and I laugh.
"No we didn't make anything." I answer sheepishly. He rolls his eyes.
"Alright scoot over. Do you know how to cook?" He asks Ryan who shakes his head looking embarrassed.
"Cool. Well Taylor get the measuring cups. Ryan your gonna learn to mix pancakes." Kyle says and I give him a fake salute.
"Oh shush and do what I asked." He says and I laugh. I grab the measuring cups and the measuring bowls.
"You know how to measure right?" Ryan nods.
"I took science." Ryan says.
"Cool. Follow those instructions. Taylor can you start on the bacon?" Kyle asks.
"Yes sir." I joke and he giggles a bit. He's so cute.
He starts doing the dishes well I make the bacon.

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