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Taylor's POV

I woke earlier then normal and realized I was alone. I looked around and moved some of the blankets around and Kyle was no where to be found.
I got up and made my way into the kitchen to see him; still in my oversized shirt, cooking breakfast. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his tiny waist.

"Morning." I said in my groggy morning voice. He tensed a bit then relaxed.
"Morning." He chirped.
"Someone's in a good mood." I comment.
"Ben found a doner." He says.
"That's amazing!" I exclaim and he nods excitedly.
"His surgery is this afternoon. Can we go?" He asks.
"Obviously. You don't have to ask."
"Okay." Kyle giggles a bit.
"Now shoo I'm cooking." He says. I mentally smirk and lower myself down to his neck, where I begin leaving a trail of kisses down from his jaw to his shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?" He asks after a minute of silence.
"Appreciating my boyfriend." I nibble a bit on his neck and he gasps. Then he turns and pushes me off. I laugh well he has a firm glare set. It doesn't look right considering his face is beet red and he is trying not to smile.
"Out." He points the spatula at the door. I chuckle and put my hands halfway into the air in a mock surrender.
"Alright alright I'm gone." I laugh and go back into the living room. I end up cleaning up our fort; not before taking a picture of it of course.
As I walk up the stairs to put some of the blankets back I look and see Kyle still cooking, swaying side to side on the balls of his feet. I smile. I could get used to this. Waking up and seeing this every morning. I think to myself. With that thought I can't wipe the grin off my face as I clean up our mess.

"Foods ready!" Kyle yells from the kitchen and I slide down the railing.
"What'd you make? Smells amazing." I comment as I take a seat at the table.
"Oh I just made pancakes and bacon." He shrugs.
"Thank you." I say when he sets the plate down in front of me. He smiles at me and I can't miss this opportunity so I grab the collar of the shirt and meet him halfway, connecting my lips to his.
He's surprised at first, but kisses back without hesitation. I nibble on his bottom lip, sucking on it a bit and he opens his mouth to give me access.
I carefully slide him onto my lap, without breaking the kiss.
He tastes sweet, like a red lollipop.

Kyle eventually pulls back and I frown.
"Come on now I worked so hard making you food. Let's eat." He says and I smile and nod. He slides off me and into the chair beside me.
"These are really good Kyle." I comment with my mouth half full of food. He chuckles a bit.
"Swallow before you speak." He scolds and I roll my eyes.
"Yes mom." I grumble.

Suddenly he's hovering above me and I look up at him.
"Kyle?" I ask confused as I swallow the food. He then smashes his lips back to mine. Just as it was about to turn into a makeout session he pulls back with a smirk and sits back down.
"If you and your mom would do that your sick." He comments and I feel heat rise to my cheeks.
"You know I was kidding!" I exclaim and he laughs.
"I know." He manages to say.

We finish eating and get dressed into the clothes I brought. He looked so, inviting in his white fall out boy shirt and grey skinny jeans. Still no sweater. I walked over with my crown the empire sweatshirt.
"Put it on." I say to him.
"Really its fine." He tries to decline.
"I will put it on you like a child." I say with a smirk. He sighs and puts it on.

"Yea why weren't we freezing last night?" He asks as we get into my car.
"I hid some space heaters around and the pool was heated too." He nods.
I reach over and grab his hand. He smiles and squeezes it a little.
"Things are really looking up for everyone." He says and I nod.
"Yea. Now all we need is Catherine to get a raise." Kyle laughs.
"Wouldn't that be great." He says thoughtfully.

We pull into the hospital parking and head inside, still hand in hand. Sure we get the occasional dirty looks, but I'm not going to let them ruin my happiness.
We walk into Ben's room.
"Hey little man." I greet and he smiles at me.
"Building your back! Why are you and kyky holding hands? Are you guys doing the mushy stuff?" Kyle instantly goes red.
"No Ben. We're dating." Kyle says awkwardly. I laugh.
"Is this considered mushy stuff?" I ask as I pull Kyle into a kiss. Kyle is frozen. I pull away and he looks like a tomato.
"Yes yes ew ew that's too mushy!" Ben screams and I burst into laughter. Kyle soon joining me.

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