Staying for dinner

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Kyle's POV

The next day

I was nervous. I kept combing my hair and reteasing my fringe.
"Dude. Stop." Jackson said.
"I can't help it! Damn him." I mumble the last bit. It's all because of his text. It wasn't anything huge either.


Hey its raining. I'll drive you and the kids to school.

This had me pacing and freaking out. I think I liked him. And that terrified me. I was still wearing his sweater since this place had shit heating. I also had on gray skinny jeans and a white mayday parade t shirt that was baggy on me.

There was a knock at the door and I jumped. Jack opened the door.
"Hey man." He created. How the frick could he be so calm? I'm dying! I looked at him and had to stop myself from drooling. He was gorgeous. With my luck he's straight, but he was almost teasing me yesterday.

I took him in. He had on a red sweater over a gray bring me the horizon shirt and black slightly baggy skinny jeans.
"See something you like?" He smirks. My cheeks flared. Damn him.
"Nice sh-shirt." I mumble. His smirk turns to a smile.
"Yea you like them?" He asks. I nod slowly.
"I saw them in concert last year." My eyes widen.
"You lucky bitch!" I exclaim. Mrs. Johnson chose that moment to walk in.
"Language!" She scolded. I huffed.
"Sorry Mrs. Johnson." I mumbled. Then someone's arm was over my shoulder.
"Don't pout. It's so tempting just to kiss you." I held my breath and bit my lip. He was so close. I want you to do that! Oh but I couldn't tell him that.
"Ey bromance break it up. I get you want each other, but we gotta go." Jack says. Damn you. He just smirks at me.
"Right. Let's go." Taylor pats my shoulder. I have to stop myself from reaching out for him like a lost child when he walks towards the door.
"Oh actually Taylor dear. You've been so helpful for a couple days, would you like to stay for dinner?" Mrs. Johnson asks. My eyes widen and I shoot her a death glare. She grins at me.
"I'd love too. If that's alright with everyone else?" He asks looking around the room.
"We cool man." Jack says.
"Yay! Mr. Building is coming for dinner?" Ben screams. Jessica just nods. He turns to me smiling. His smile is goals.
"Y-yea." I mumble.
"We've got 15 minutes now lets go." He says. We all pile into his car. We drive with the younger kids chattering and he parks in there parking lot.
"I just figured since we have to pick them up anyway." My heartbeat intensified as he said we so calmly. I just nod and we start walking across the street.
"Hey watch out!" He says and suddenly I'm tackled from behind and land with a weight underneath me on the soggy grass.
"What the." I mumble and look down to see my face millilitres from mine and my hands are on his chest. I blush and look away.
"I'm sorry." I say softly. He sits up and hugs me. I'm sitting in his lap. Holy fuck.
"Don't be so reckless. You almost got hit by a car. I could've lost you." He mumbles and I'm taken aback. So that's why he tackled me.
"I'm sorry." I say quietly. He stands up. Collecting me in his arms.
"W-what are you doing!" I exclaim.
"Can't have you hurting yourself before we even get to class now can we?" He smiles down at me.
"Now wrap your arms around my neck so you don't fall." He says and slowly I do.
"I'm not a kid." I mumble.
"Your the size of one." He chuckles.
"I'm older then you." I say to him.
"Really?" I nod.
"What held you back?" He asks. I tense.
"I-I had lung cancer." I say.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Your okay now though right?" He set me down at the doors. I nod.
"Good." He smiles and my heart thuds. We go to our lockers then make our way to math. I pull our my reading glasses.
"You look adorable in those." Taylor says.
"No I don't." I say looking down.
"Hey look at me." He says after a minute of silence. I lift my head to look at him and he takes a picture on his phone.
"Hey! Delete that!" I whisper yell. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"No you look adorable." He says.

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