Part 21

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(Part 21)

"Bye Karuna!" I yelled, waving enthusiastically as the whole crowd of them began flying back up to our home. Of the entire 'army' of Warriors that I was supposed to be a part of, I learnt that Karuna was the friendliest of them all, and that most of the guys there were the strong silent type. Only Julius and Nathaniel seemed different, but Julius was mostly caught up with exchanging sweet gazes with Jayne. There didn't seem much need for announcement that Julius and Jayne were 'hard-core lovers', and I hadn't want to ask Nathaniel what he meant by that phrase.

Still, my newest angel friends left with friendly waves and disappeared into the sky, leaving me once more with my pathetic, irritating and annoying companion Azazel. I had wanted to leave Hell with my new friends and leave Azazel gladly behind, but he had told them that my first mission wasn't yet over. Somehow, he seemed to know everything about my mission.

"So? What are we still doing here in this hellhole?" I spun around to ask, ignoring the obvious bright patch of red at the hem of my white robe. Apparently, after dying and being made as angel also gave me a wardrobe change of the angel's white robes. And, after Azazel helpfully cut my palm open, I had absently smudged my blood over the white robe, which made me look like I had been seriously injured.

"Like I said, there is still someone to meet."

"Who? Your mother?" I asked, a little sadistically satisfied when an annoyed glint flashed past his eyes. It was good to know that he was getting as annoyed around me as I was around him.

"He is coming to us soon; there is little need to worry." He answered in his usual cryptic way and I raised a brow in suspicion. I had seen pretty much anything that could surprise me –becoming angel, meeting the Demon King, negotiating (by threats of force) with the Demon King, making a deal with the Demon King, and making friends with an angel army. What more could be packed in my fun-filled itinerary for the rest of the day?

"Before he arrives, however, there is one thing that I am asked of our master to convey to you." Azazel's voice was once again back to his authoritative, 'I-am-mightier-than-you' tone.

"Don't tell me it's another mission? Don't angels get a break?" I groaned in dread, but Azazel obviously ignored my whine.

"You probably have already come to realize that you are a different type of angel. Unique, even."

"Not really. I haven't really met lots of other angels, but I got the sense that I was like them." I answered honestly. I was supposed to be special even amongst the angels? I didn't really feel that way.

Once more, Azazel ignored my comment, continuing as if I hadn't spoken. Was it a habit of his, or was it just me?

"You are the first ever angel to be Made while retaining all of your characteristics –the good, and even the bad. In a sense, you are the most humane angel Heaven has seen. But this makes you different, and different is something that can change the way our other angels work."

"So you're saying I'm a bad influence?" My new angel-brain was fast enough to catch his drift. "That's not fair."

"Not a bad influence. Just humane." Azazel corrected, as if it was going to make a difference. "Heaven is not ready for humane angels like you just yet."

"So am I pure or not? I can't seem to decide whether you are pulling my leg, or just being an asshole, Azazel."

"There. That is simple evidence. There has been no angel who has been able to be so vulgar. They do not have the ability to, because they cannot develop malevolent thoughts –at least not towards their brethren. Still, you have been insulting me like you usually would as a human."

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