Part 4

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(Part 4)

"I can't believe that you're not planning to do anything. You're pathetic." I answered finally in disgust, stopping in the middle of the street. We had quickly migrated from Freddi's after I realized that the man had been planning to simply sponge off all the money I had on strawberry sundaes. I had no idea how he could polish so many so quickly without getting a brain freeze, but his half-demon-ness was getting more and more apparent to me through his appetite.

Stopping when he realized that I wasn't following behind him anymore, he turned around with a face of disinterest. From what he'd said, he was probably the same age as me. And still, with that long hair and long beard, he looked as if age had been pressed upon a handsome face. Paired with his strong and solid physique, it was a strange combination. But it was something that I quickly got over now that I knew about his pitiful situation.

How someone could be so hopeless; I still couldn't truly understand.

"Well, that's new. I'm pathetic?" He asked, more surprised than insulted.

"Yes." I answered, struggling to keep my anger inside. What was wrong with this idiot? I wasn't sure why I really cared so much about his family and his situation, but I was the type of person who couldn't stand by and do nothing when someone was down in the dumps. Granted this guy wasn't exactly 'down in the dumps' (in fact, he almost seemed to be enjoying his penniless, derelict and unhygienic situation), but I wasn't about to leave this sore thumb alone. "Yes, you are utterly pathetic. You are the worst specimen of a man I've ever seen. No wonder your brother doesn't want to come back. I'm pretty sure that even if he did, your sister would be repelled by the state of your living, and he would follow her walking away."

"I figure Vergil loves me enough to coming knocking at my door at least." Dante shrugged in reply, not even bothered that I had thrown insults in his face.

"He'll come knocking, but you would be dead asleep. He would assume that you had left, and you would wake up years later, wondering if he ever dropped by." I answered heartlessly –not that I needed much of a heart for him at all. This guy was utterly useless and hopeless.

Dante shrugged. "Devil May Cry is the only place he can find me. He'll come back again and again."

"And again and again, he will meet no results. One day, he'll give up and assume that you have just moved on." I argued, not sure why I was so sure of what I was saying even though I had never physically met his twin at all. The story of Dante, Vergil and Lily/Leah had initially been hard to follow and understand, but it definitely explained how the large crater had appeared in the field outside Limbo City.

It had been a 'supernatural' cause, and my demon hunter friends had placed bets that the cause was demonic. We all knew that if it was a demon's work, then it had to be a damned big and powerful one. And, going by Dante's story, we weren't wrong. It had been the Demon King himself.

The Demon King –who had been controlling the government in Limbo City without our knowing –had perished in that large crater. And Dante, Vergil and Lily/Leah had sent him back to where he belonged.

I would be hard pressed to agree with him if not for the solid evidence displayed before me. Coincident to the day that the crater appeared, the government had immediately decreed the scrapping of the many administrations strapping down on demon hunters. Fines for destruction of property, as well as carrying unlicensed weapons had gone down quickly, and demon hunters had immediately been set free from their dumps. It had been Dante's, Vergil's and Lily/Leah's work.

"Give me a break; he's my twin and we're all half-demons. We'll meet someday." Dante groaned, and I spared a single precious moment to wonder why he even bothered to continue talking to me. It was obvious that his interests revolved around strawberry sundaes, pizzas, alcohol and sleep. Of course, he had displayed much interest in the female anatomy as well, but both of us knew that no bras or underwear would be removed if he still carried that ugly beard.

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