Part 18

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(Part 18)

"Maybe you need to bleed more." Dante went on annoyingly while we waited for the mechanism on the door to work. It had taken the men minutes to realize that they were bitch-fighting in front of us girls, who were already busy getting chummy with each other. Understandably, Vergil looked embarrassed and apologised for 'stooping to Dante's level' while his twin simply sulked.

Eventually, proper introductions were made between Vergil and I. He seemed fine with my presence until I explained to them that I was sent on the mission by his mother and Azazel. It had been like a switch that turned on the murder-mode of Vergil, which scared me shitless. Dante had never been more valiant since I knew him when he got into the tiny space between Vergil and me, demanding for Vergil's sudden reaction.

And that was when Vergil and Leah told us about how they found Azazel... with Eva's dead body.

I could see that it was a hard blow for Dante, but the man was utterly amazing in bouncing back. He was back to his usual self after a minute or two of pained silence, though we now knew that there was a certain pain hanging in his beautiful blue-green eyes. After Vergil explained that Azazel had promised to let them see their mother's body when they reached Sparda's cell, I had been the one trusted with the instructions of opening the doors.

The second door worked well with my human blood. It hadn't taken much at all; just a small handful. Dante was strangely careful in binding the cut on my hand, and we were now at the third door, waiting for the door to react to Vergil's blood of Sparda.

"It's not working." Dante pointed out the blatantly obvious situation. "Maybe I should cut your throat and make the blood spray."

"Don't be an idiot, Dante." Leah scolded, but Vergil's reaction was better.

Taking his brother's hand in a no-nonsense movement, Dante didn't even have the time to jerk his hand backwards defensively before his brother made a slice across his palm.

"Hey!" Dante's exclamation was ignored, and we watched as Vergil jerked roughly on his brother's hand, pressing Dante's palm to the panel, where Vergil's blood still stayed.

"If the blood of one son is not enough, then two of us is enough." Vergil explained, purposefully smudging Dante's blood all over the panel roughly before letting go. "And if that is not enough, then I'm slicing your throat for the blood and cutting out your voice box as well."

Dante gulped at Vergil's threat, but breathed an obvious sigh of relief when something worked, and the door slid open automatically. Leah exchanged a partially amused expression with me while we ventured onwards to the last door.

"Well? Whose blood must we spill at this door?" Vergil turned to me expectantly, his hard eyes unforgiving as if it was my fault that Azazel had become a backstabbing traitor. I mean, I knew that Azazel was a bastard and whacked up in his head, but I had never expected that he would kill his own angel partner.

"Azazel told me it had to be the blood of a fallen angel." I answered softly, meek against the force of Vergil's unspoken anger. It was obvious that he was still brewing his anger at Azazel, and I was distantly acquainted to the angel enough to trip him off. Which totally wasn't fair for me at all –but I didn't have the guts to say anything about it, for fear of tripping him even more.

"Then where do we get some?" Vergil demanded, crossing his arms now with impatience.

"Hey, hey. I know you're pissed off at Azazel. I'm fucking pissed at him as well. But that's no excuse to talk to Max like that." Dante came to my rescue –my total knight in shining armour. I had never truly associated Dante with such analogy before, and being around his brother definitely brought out some jem of traits.

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