Part 14

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(Part 14)

Screaming accompanied my way down to Hell, and I only realized it was mine when it ended after I came to a jarring stop. Surprisingly, the landing didn't seem to hurt as much as I thought it would, and I blinked to make sure that I was seeing the right thing.

The sky... Someone must have done something to my eyes, because the sky was red. And the clouds were black. And then there were things hanging in the sky. They didn't look like birds.

They looked like...

I screamed once more when one of them swooped in at almost-lightning speed towards me. The thing that I had been squinting at a moment ago now appeared to me up close, what-was-supposed-to-be-the-eye looking at me up and down. Girly reflex made me kick at it, and it must have been taken by surprise, because it reeled back in the sky a short distance away.

I was prepared to come up standing, but a chill down my spine made me look over my shoulder.

My blood turned to ice when I saw a few demons, both hovering and on land, looking at me with the same curiosity. A few of them seemed to be sniffing... My pure reflex I raised my arm to smell myself, before my wits came flying down from the portal to Hell with me.

No wonder they were looking at me like I smelled. I probably did.

I screamed one more time, my delicate vocals getting torture as I took in the number of demons being increasingly curious at why a human had appeared in their folds. Then my mind recalled what Azazel said at the last moment, and I scrambled for the amulet. Desperate and knowing that I was relying on the curiosity of demons to keep me alive for this small window of time, I pawed through my bag, but found nothing. Shit! Where was the amulet...

I opened my palm, and the cold water of relief flushed over me when I realized I had been stupidly holding on to it this whole time. I didn't waste time throwing it over my neck, and the effect was instant. The eyes on me that held curiosity instantly turned into disgust and fear, and the demons cringed away as if meeting their murderer.

It didn't take long for each and every single one of them to scramble away, and I realised that the amulet was really useful as Hell -in Hell. Vergil was probably one of the most badass people around, because who else could make demons scramble away like puppies with tails tucked between their legs? I honestly didn't know what else I expected from the son of Sparda.

Still, I took my peace to check through my bag, getting my weapon ready just in case there were still some demons around who were stupid enough to challenge 'Vergil'. I could only pray that the higher-level demons were clever enough to stay away from the elder son of Sparda, because I doubt that I could deal with them, and survive Hell.

Finally standing up and looking around, I wasn't surprised to find a wasteland all around me. Desert-like conditions were occasionally broken up by small fields of red-green grass, and small ponds of black-blue water. Nothing looked particularly welcoming, and bones of all sorts of demons littered everywhere. Dust that I suspected once belonged to demons were scattered all over the floor, and the only thing I was surprised about was the fact that nothing smelled.

It wasn't hard to find the black star hanging in the sky at all. Black clouds were fluffy like the real ones in my world and the Human World, but the black star wasn't fluffy at all. In fact, it looked pretty damned impressive, and it didn't look very far away from where I stood. I squinted, trying to see anything underneath it, but I was confused when I couldn't find any. It was just a piece of flat land beneath the black star; not even a cave or something.

I was confused, but I still continued walking towards it, because I really had no other instructions. Azazel had been surprisingly concise with his instructions. Walk to Black Star, Mundus's lair will be there. Infiltrate, then take off the amulet. Hide from demons, go to key room, kill demon guard there, and take key, save Sparda.

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