Part 5

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(Part 5)

"Where have the two of you been? We were so worried sick when you went missing! Dante told us you died, Leah!" Sasha grabbed me in a large hug, tears of joy springing forth from her eyes as she squeezed me tightly. At her side, Leon had already plastered himself to his father, grabbing around Vergil's waist as if he was a koala bear.

The nine year old boy seemed to somehow be transported into his four-year-old days, as he felt all around his father again, trying to find anything different.

"It's a complicated story, but we're back. I'm sorry we left without a word." I apologised, but hugged the woman back equally tightly. Eva hadn't told us that we would be meeting Sasha and Leon again, but I was beginning to understand that not many 'coincidences' in my life were real coincidence. Either Mummy Eva or Azazel had to have something to do with this, and I could bet my life on it.

Still, there was no way to confirm it as I pulled back to take a good look at the mother of Vergil's son.

"You've gotten prettier since I last saw you!" I declared, admiring the curls that hadn't been there before. When we met five years ago, my first impression that she was a loving young mother. Now, my impression was that she was even younger than she was five years ago. In fact, she looked more like Leon's older sister than his mother.

"And so have you, Leah. I've missed you." Sasha pulled us aside, leaving Vergil and Leon in the living room –Leon talking excitedly to his father who had been missing for the past five years. "You have a new glow of a woman in love."

I, despite being my lover's passionate girlfriend for the past five years, still blushed at the suggestion. I guess it was truly a glow that only others could see. Still, I was glad to know that others knew how happy I was with Vergil, and hoped he understood it as well.

"What about you?" I asked with a soft hush. "Have you been doing well?"

Sasha's imminent reply was cut off by a ringing of the doorbell, and she quickly excused herself to answer to door. Taken by surprise by her enthusiasm to answer the door –as if she knew who it was –I strolled back to the living area where I found Leon still passionately talking about his school life. Vergil was doing his best to entertain the young boy, and a 'father' that was putting attention was definitely something that Leon bathed in as the boy jumped around through his narration of how he had expertly dribbled the ball passed to him.

"And then, everyone was like 'how can that blind boy do that? He's supposed to not be able to see!' I swear, I would trade everything I have in my life to see the expressions on their faces, Papa!" Leon declared with a grin, jumping and collapsing into Vergil's arm. Five years away definitely did not dull Vergil's fatherly instincts, because he held on carefully to his 'son', making sure that Leon was calmed down before trusting the young boy to stand again.

And even though I had seen Vergil's 'fatherly-side' the first time I got to know him, it was still refreshing to see him around Leon again. The homely, family feeling had settled once more between all of us, and I almost forgot about our mission.

At least until the visitor stepped into living area, and stilled, definitely not expecting someone new.

"Uncle Killian!" Leon must have recognised the smell, or footstep –or whatever the young boy used to distinguish people. "Uncle Killian, my Papa is back! I told you about Papa, didn't I?"

I could see that the man was truly trying his best to smile at the young boy's enthusiasm, but it was a good thing that Leon could not see at the moment, because the child could not see how badly the poor man failed. My boyfriend, for his part, turned his usual expressionless face on, and turned to assess the newcomer with the sharp eye of a son of Sparda, anticipating the threats the man could pose.

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