Part 13

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(Part 13)

He knew. I was pretty sure he knew my secret. It would only explain why he was acting so distant, so afraid to stay by my side. My nightmare had only just begun, and I hadn't even told him about my pregnancy yet. This wasn't fair, I wasn't supposed to lose him even before I told him about the pregnancy.

Nothing was fair in life; I had now come to realise.

Ever since that day, he had never been able to stay by my side for long, never been able to look me honestly in the eye. Had he already found another woman that he loved, another woman that wasn't carrying his child in her belly? Was he tired of coming back to me, to look at this woman who was about to be dumped and end up as a single mother?

Sasha did her best to reassure me, that Vergil was just confused, but she wasn't the one in my situation. She wasn't the one who had to fear about her lover finding out about the unwanted pregnancy. I had wanted to insist for abortion, but I was, in all sense, a total coward. I don't know what kind of a human I'm supposed to be.

I was afraid of the pain of abortion, afraid of causing my baby pain. And yet, I was so afraid of letting my baby grow as well, so afraid that Vergil would finally lose his temper at me for getting pregnant and leave me.

But at least the trip of the hospital had solve a major problem for me, because the doctors found out that human medication still worked on me -to an extent -to ease my sickness. To deal with my crazy high metabolism thanks to Lily's presence, the doctors had decided to jack up on the dosage of my medicine, which 'could easily kill a normal pregnant woman'. So far, I hadn't dropped dead with foam from my mouth, so I had to be thankful for that. Besides, even if I died now, would Vergil care or cry at my funeral?

I don't know how many days I tried to pray for our mother to come pay me a visit, to tell me what to do. I even prayed for Azazel's rude dispensing of advice, but none of them came. I was only left with Sasha for support, but I couldn't expect her to stay with me forever. When she worked, when Leon was out at school, Vergil always went out, citing the excuse of finding answers, to save Sparda. I suspected that he was searching for more than ways to save our father, but I couldn't ask him. I just didn't even know how to talk to him anymore.

I was almost close to blowing my mind out with worry and fear when I finally decided to heck things. I would keep the pregnancy a secret, pretend that I didn't know about it, and go save Sparda with Vergil. If I died in the process, then he wouldn't ever have to deal with an argument with me about keeping the child. If we were successful in saving Papa Sparda, then maybe it was a sign of fate to tell me to bitch up and tell Vergil about his child.

I was once more fully dressed in my sexiest image, feeling confident of myself and my decision, standing alone in the empty apartment, when the doorbell rang.

Wondering who it could be at this time, considering Vergil always returned late at night these days, and Leon shouldn't be back home until at least five hours later, I opened the door with curiosity. And met a pair of sick-looking guns pointed in my face.

"Bang, bang, my little bitch. You're busted, and now you've got to tell me everything that has happened in your life for the past five and a half years." She winked with a light-hearted wave of her guns, grinning at me in the sexy way only she could pull off.

I blinked a few times in shock, my mind going blank. She couldn't be... she was really...

The smell of leather confirmed the fact. She was here. In front of me.

I screamed, and tackled her.


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