Part 7

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(Part 7)

I woke up to a sleeping Vergil at my side. Turning on my side so that I was staring at his peaceful expression, I admired the minute details of my lover that I didn't usually focus on. On closer inspection, I realized that he had particularly long lashes –lashes that girls might kill for. It might have made any normal guy look feminine, but it didn't work on Vergil.

It just made him look even more handsome.

The smooth creamy skin was undisturbed from chin to hairline, the defined jawline still as sharp as I remembered. Before leaving my world, he had already shaved, and that left him a perfectly-clean cut look. In fact, shaving had cut a few years off his appearance, it was almost hard to believe that he was already approaching his thirties.

The white hair that was usually kept back now pooled around his head, and I could tell that he had bathed right before climbing to bed. A stray strand of fringe defied the rest of its brethren and hung adamantly between his eyes, softening the sharp-as-knives features.

Feeling mischievous, I blew a soft breath at his nose, hoping to wake him up. As usual, my darling Vergil didn't even stir. I had learnt over the years of sleeping in the same bed as he that Vergil didn't usually stir in his sleep. He tended to fall into sleep the way he laid down, and woke up the same way. He rarely stirred at all –not even when he was disturbed.

He must have been exhausted when he fell asleep, because he was usually a light-sleeper. Even soft footsteps woke him up sometimes, and I assumed it was some type of trained instincts of a demon hunter for years. But blowing at his nose didn't seem to wake him up at all, so I simply laid still and watched him in his peaceful Dreamland. Was he dreaming about me? Was he dreaming about his family?

Time passed, and I decided to reach out to smooth the stray fringe away from his face. The movement as well as the touch didn't take long for his deep breathing to become shallower, and his eyes slowly opened. The blue-green eyes that were inherited from Sparda met the world with a soft shine against the bed-side lamp turned on beside us.

Then, a soft smile drew across his face, and he captured my hand on his face with his own.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, and I admired at how he seemed to never have morning breath. Was it something only half-demons benefitted from?

"I'm feeling perfectly fine. You?" I smiled as well when the strange glint in his blue-green eyes disappeared at my answer. Was it me, or did he look a little overly-worried?

"I'm fine." He replied in the usual assuring tone that was reserved only for Sasha, Leon and me. I nodded, then took the chance to look around, realizing that I was in an unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where are we? I don't remember..." I said, and then realized that I didn't remember falling asleep at all. I remembered falling into Limbo, looking around for somewhere familiar, meeting Leon and being brought to Sasha. I remembered meeting Killian, and Vergil threatening him... I had been leaving the room, but I felt something, and I had tried turning around. Then...

"We are in Sasha's guest room. You fainted, and Sasha said it was for the best to let you rest. Getting a doctor didn't seem right, since you are still harbouring a half-demon within you."

I took a look at his black T-shirt that fit him extremely well. "You've changed. How long have I been out?"

"You fainted yesterday afternoon." Vergil's hand moved to smooth my hair as well, still looking a little worried. "Are you sure you are feeling fine?"

"Yes, I think so... I must have been too tired from travelling the worlds." I answered, not sure if the aching my back was thanks to my long sleep or something else.

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