Chapter 11

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Hey guys!

So, new chapter for you.This one is kind of boring, but the next is one of my favorites!

Thank you Tay_Alexandra for editing. Awesome job! :)

Oh, and don't forget to vote and comment!

Chapter 11


“Let’s ditch school after lunch!” Roxie tried one more time. I rolled my eyes.

“You know, Roxie, just because Leah isn’t here it doesn’t mean that we’ll do it!” Max said.

It was Monday and the three of us were at the cafeteria. It hadn't even been a full day without Leah yet and already I missed her.

“It’s gonna be a long week,” I told them.

“I know,” Max replied with a sad expression on his face. I guess he really likes Leah.

We ate in silence for a few more minutes and then the bell rang. Math class was the same as usual, but P.E. was absolute torture without Leah. How will I stand the whole week? When it was finally over, I went straight to my car.

On my way home, my mind started to wander. I really wished I could have spent some time with Adrian. I loved to talk to him; loved the sound of his laughter, loved when we stay close to each other and...well, I guess you could say I just love to be with him. It’s amazing how strong a bond we had, even though I’m 17 and he’s 21, almost 22.

Shoot! I thought. His birthday is in a couple of weeks. I needed to buy him a present. I knew I'd been forgetting something!

Instead of going home, I went straight to the mall. I knew exactly what I was going to get him. I headed to the bookstore and grabbed ‘How To Stay Humble When You’re Smarter Than Everybody Else’ by Ben Good. I saw it on a web site and thought it would be a funny gift. I also got wrapping paper and some free bookmarks that sat in a container by the register. After paying for everything, I went back to my car and drove home.

Before wrapping the book, I wrote a message on one of the bookmarks. The book was a cheap gift, but I wanted Adrian to know how much he meant to me.

I put the bookmark inside the book and wrapped it.

I spent the rest of the day finishing my English project and preparing dinner. Mom came home a little later and we ate together.

School on Tuesday went by painfully slow. Each second felt like an hour. The dismissal bell finally rang, rescuing me from my torture.

It wasn't until I got home I realized mom was working again. She’d been working a lot lately, so I didn't really pay too much attention to her absence.

I grabbed a soda from the fridge and went upstairs to do my homework. Two hours later, it was all finished. Ok, now I need to find something to do, I thought. I sighed as I realized my only option was to watch TV. I headed to the living room and started flipping through the channels with the remote. It would be my luck that there were no shows on that I wanted to watch. I tried taking a nap on the couch, but I couldn’t sleep; I just lay there staring at the ceiling for what seemed days. I looked at my watch and realized only 40 minutes have passed. I groaned. I still had the entire night to waste. Grudgingly, I got up and decided to clean the house. Lame, I know, but I didn’t have any better idea. I cleaned the whole kitchen and it wasn’t even dirty! 

A few hours later, when my mom got home I threw myself over her. “Don’t ever abandon me again!” I joked.

“What happened, Pumpkin?” She asked.

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