8: pain...

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The raijinshu obviously insisted on going. But laxus wouldn't take no for an answer....

Laxus had arrived at the map's location. It was a cave. He walked in. " there's nothing... Special "

" hn. I beg to differ. "

Laxus: another voice. Interesting. Come out so I can defeat you and get on with it.

" like it's that easy. I'm a spirit. You can't defeat a spirit. "

Laxus: hn...what do you want?

" this was supposed to be a trial for my descendents. But I still can give you a chance. "

Suddenly laxus collapses to the floor and felt tremendous pain.

" pass this pain and I shall let you pass with no obstruction "

Laxus: tsk... Like... That is... A problem...

" laxus!!! Laxus!! " another voice echoed.

Laxus:... Ri...shu...

She came in and saw laxus, " stop this!! Or I'll destroy you!! "

" ya right. The treasure goes down with me. Little human. Like you can do anything with your puny little magic."

Rishu: I don't care!!!

Laxus: rishu... It's... Ok...

Rishu puts her hand over laxus " show script. " A chain of script letters show. " tsk... I can't ease the pain... Can't stop it... Then... Kai " She takes a book from inside the magic circle and chants a string of words...

Suddenly laxus feel a whole lot lighter. Rishu collapses onto the floor.

Laxus: rishu?!!! You... You transferred the pain?

She sweated profusely as she poofed into normal size and back to small size, constantly back and forth.

Laxus: you....

She panted heavily after it stopped.

" and the ultimate pain... " a blade flew towards rishu. Laxus blocked it using his back. It went through his body like a intangible thing and stabbed into the ground at rishu's yellow hair cutting off a few strands.

Blood dripped where it was stabbed...

Laxus: what the hell?!!! Isn't it a ghost blade?!!

Rishu:... Damn... Listen to me... Close your eyes and ears ok?

Laxus: what are you talking about?!!

" choose one. Her or you to suffer the pain? The pain of watching the other party die. "

Laxus:... What?

Rishu: it's ok. I won't die. I...

Laxus interrupts with a dark face " urusei... "

Rishu: laxus...

" screw you. I don't need your treasure. " he carries rishu into his arms " you can keep it for all I care."

" hahaha... The treasure shall be yours. Only the ones who cares about the closed ones shall have it. Only you. Not whatever heir. "

Laxus: hmph. Don't need such thing. Ghost.

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