2: the reward?

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Laxus: you travelled a far way nah.

Rishu: um.

Laxus: so you're a little human?

Rishu: I guess so. They think I'm some amazing thing...

Laxus: but you are. You have so many magic you can use.

Rishu: I guess...

She was sitting at the table munching big bites which seemed small bites to Laxus at his bread. She then climbs to the cup and accidentally falls into the coffee. She pops up " atsui!! " (hot)

He giggled and picked her up putting her on the table. She shook off the coffee. " arigato. "

Laxus: you know you can turn into a normal human right?

Rishu:.... *puffs up cheek* urusei!! It's easier in this size. It's not like I eat a lot too. I eat according to my little human size you know.

Laxus: I didn't know that.

He used his finger and pats her head " hn... Kawaii. "

Rishu: I didn't choose to be born like this!!!

Laxus: it does look bad. The whole place is gone.

Rishu:... So they couldn't protect it.

Laxus: I didn't know little humans could inhabit a forest as this size.

It was so big Laxus could walk a few steps in it.

Rishu: if only I'm a little human dog... I would be able to find them.

Laxus: can't you use something in your books?

Rishu: then I won't be able to use magic later.

He gently taps her head with his finger " daijobu. I'll help you. "

Rishu: ok. Kai.

She puts her hand into the magic circle and pulls out a book. The book opens up by itself to a certain page. She chants some words and a script writing open itself to the floor as if leading the way.

She spreads her body flat " heh... I'm going to sleep for a while. "

Laxus: alright.

He picks her up by the shirt and shakes her lightly " rishu. " She yawns " laxus? "

Laxus: we're here.

She rubs her eyes " here... Where? " He turns her around " look. They're in cages. "

Rishu: you guys!!! Laxus!!

Laxus: alright.

He frees them easily and then defeats the guy who captured the little humans.

" how can we repay you? "

Laxus: don't worry. She will.

" arigato rishu!!"

Rishu poofs and turn into a normal human " so? What reward do you want? "

Laxus: I want you to be my cat.

Rishu: huh?!!!

Laxus: anyway you don't even fit here.

Rishu: you're asking me to leave with you?

Laxus: hai.

Rishu:... Why are you being nice to me?

He hugged her cupping her head " baka. Be mine. " She blushed " eh... Laxus... "

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