4: meet the raijinshu

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Evergreen: kawaii!! Can I hold her?

Rishu shakes her head.

Laxus: gomen nah.

Evergreen: aww... She likes you a lot.

Freed: little human. I heard they're worth a fortune. And this one is a cat.

Bickslow: a fortune? That little thing?

Freed: um. They're skilled in many areas. Gardening, crafting, and magic. But they're tiny so their magic from an individual isn't that great. They're tiny, so they're hard to catch. As expected of Laxus.

Rishu: he didn't catch me!!

Freed: no? Then...

Laxus: this little thing came looking for me.

Freed: so you have a request.

Laxus: exactly. And she became my reward.

Bickslow: didn't know you were such a sly one laxus.

Laxus: hn... Now you know.

Freed: Laxus *knock knock*

There was no response. He opened the door and see laxus not in.

That's when he spotted small rishu lying on a square pillow sleeping. There was small little drool from her mouth. Freed giggled and used his finger to wipe it off. She push it away and turned to the side " mmm... Sleep... "

That was when Laxus came in and saw how freed was looking at rishu. He walked over and scooped rishu into his palm " is there something of the matter? "

Freed: Laxus. No. I mean yes. We found a quest maybe you would want to go with.

Laxus: I see.

Rishu yawned and rub her eyes waking up " you guys are so noisy. " she sat up " quest... "

Blood... Blade... Yellow hair... Is that me?

Laxus: rishu? Rishu. Ooi.

Rishu: huh?

Laxus: daijobu?

Rishu: um. Can I not go?

Laxus: what's wrong?

Rishu:... I just want to stay. You can go with them. I'll stay with mirajane.

Laxus:... It's ok. I'm not going then.

Rishu:.... Fine. We'll go.

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