When one door closes......

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The sun was just still in the sky when the large group made their way through the familiar cemetery. Each person carrying a flower, as they made their way to the graves of the Jauregui family. Lauren gripped Camila's hand, carrying a white rose in her hand.

Once they came to a large headstone, that read the names of her family, she came to a stop, everyone started to give her a wide berth for privacy, only to stop when she held up her hand.

"I didn't speak at my parents funeral, because I was too broken then. I'm not now, If you'll let me, I'd like to do this right." Lauren said to the crowd of family around her.

When she got soft smiles and nods, she turned to her family's graves and held Camila's hand tighter for strength.

"When I lost you, the world lost its color, and I just stopped living. I'm sorry for that. It was selfish. You lost your lives, and I fell apart. I tried to waste the life you gave me, by trying to join you, and If you were here, you would tell me how that was probably the last thing you wanted for me. I'm sorry for being so weak and selfish, and I promise, that I will NEVER be that weak again." Lauren started as tear came to her eyes.

"Thank you Taylor for being the best sister I could ever ask for. Coming home to your youthful life was the best part of coming home for me, and I'm sorry if I didn't tell you enough times how much I love you, and how incredibly proud of you I was. You never showed an ounce of jealousy at my fame, and supported me when it became to much for me to bare. You let me be the older sister when I was able to be, and never hated me for the times I couldn't. Being you sister was worth more to me than any award I could win, and I will always remember the girl who told me I could do it when the world didn't think I could."

Wiping her eyes, she took a deep breath, and Lauren winced when Camila gripped her hand hard, and looked at her wife confused. Camila smiled tightly, giving her a look of apology and waved for her to continue.

Turning back to her family, she said,"Chris, you were the most fun loving brother I could have ever asked for. You started out as the annoying pest that wouldn't leave me alone, and turned into the kind of brother defending my honor, even if you didn't have to. With My condition, you helped me accept myself, by being the kind of man that saw no gender. You didn't think about trying to understand where I fell in the guidelines of the worlds standards, but helped me not accept those standards and live my life as my own. Thank you for helping me, because without you, I wouldn't have accepted myself other wise. I love you, I always have, and I'm sorry of the times I didn't show it."

Ally wiped her eyes, and felt a painful nudge. Looking at Normani's panicked face, she saw what Normani was gesturing at and noticed Camila wince, wearing a pained smile. She went to say something, when Camila gave her a look of 'dont'. Understanding, she stayed silent and turned her attention back to Lauren.

"Mami and Papi. All I can say is thank you. Thank you for being the parents you were, and I'm sorry it took me so long to come home. I'm married now, and I'm sure your not really surprised at who I ended up with." Lauren said chuckling, as everyone laughed.

"You told me to fight for Camila and I ignored you, thinking I stood no chance. Well, you were right, as you usually were. We're expecting our child soon, and I just want you to know, that we have a house full of Jauregui's just like you always wanted. You left our name in good hands, and I promise to always protect it. I realized during the trial, that as my parents you would have asked me to ignore that idiot when he blackmailed me. Knowing you, you probably would have told me my happiness was worth more than the name we have, but I want you to know, I did that just as much for me as for you. As parents, you protect your children, but as children, its our instinct to protect our parents as well. I may have gone about it the wrong way, but my love for you was blinding. I promise to never let someone make me feel less than what you raised me to be. And I thank you, for giving me the life I have, and raising me to be the person I am. I will raise my children to know you, and I promise never to forget you." Lauren finished placing the white rose on her parents grave.

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