She has a what!

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Worried for their friend, they made a bee line towards Normani's voice, that happened to be up the stairs. When they got to the top, they saw her standing near a open door with her mouth wide open.

"Whats wrong." asked Ally worried.

All Normani could do was point to the room with the open door. Curious, Camila and Ally both looked in the room and almost mirrored her expression. The room was painted a soft Light blue that almost looked like the sky with a small canopy princess bed in the corner. The dressers were wooden and painted a cloud white and were beautifully carved.

But what really made them tear up, was Emily standing near the wall at the foot of her bed staring at a painted portrait of her parents on the wall.

"She did it. She really did it. She said she was gonna, I just didn't think she really would." Emily said, tracing the painting of her mothers face.

"What did Lauren say she was gonna do?" asked Camila over the lump in her throat she was fighting to contain.

"She said mommy and daddy would always watch over me, even while I go to sleep so I don't have nightmares. I asked her how, cuz I cant see them. Lolo said she would paint me a picture in my room, so I would always know they were there." Emily whispered smiling.

The three woman were so endeared by the green eyed girls sweetness, it was almost pathetic how much their friend had truly changed. She was sweet before, but despite her now awkward nature, she had a heart of gold when it came to the little girl. Even if she couldn't see it.

"You'll have to thank her honey." said Normani trying to hold herself together at the serene look on the child's face.

Emily shook her head as the girls looked at her confused. "She said to never thank her for doing something nice for me when its about mommy and daddy."

"Why?" asked Camila curious.

Emily shrugged and said, "Because Lolo says friends take care of each other. So why thank her for doing something she supposed to be doing."

The girls felt a pang of guilt and silently nodded.

"You should see your room Mila! its so pretty." exclaimed an excited Emily.

Camila was a little worried at what she would find, but sucked it up and started towards the door next to Emily's, hoping she wasn't going to accidentally invade Laurens privacy. Then she noticed her door had a banana painted on it in the shape of a C. She turned the knob and flicked on the light as she stepped in the room and gasped at the beauty Lauren had created.

Camila felt undeserving, especially after the harsh assumptions she's lived with for years about the green eyed girl. The room was a beautiful midnight blue. There were glow in the dark stars painted on the ceiling, that made Camila smile softly at the thoughtfulness. She remembered I'm afraid of the dark Camila thought smiling. There was a king size sleigh bed that was made of dark wood, with a beautiful matching bedroom set. She noticed that she also had a bathroom in her room, that came with its own shower. There was a window that looked like it opened up from the inside, that reminded her of the peter pan movie. It even had a built in sitting area under it.

"Wow" breathed Ally.

"Yeah," said Normani taking it all in.

Camila only nodded and stared out the window.

After a few more minutes of looking around, they started to unpack Emily's things and get her situated comfortably. Lauren even provided a toy chest so Emily would have a place for everything.

They heard a door slam outside and rushed down the stairs to meet their ride. They were surprised to find a red headed woman slamming the drivers side door of an old Chevy after a dog hopped out.

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