My only exception

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"That was the coolest freaking boutique I've ever seen! It had my style and everything! Lo, I swear you know me more than I ever thought anyone could." Normani squealed kissing Lauren's cheek as they left the store.

Lauren blushed and shrugged. "I just kinda remembered how you used to dress, and had a local designer incorporate it into new styles." she answered modestly. She wasn't used to this kind of intimate affection anymore.

"You could seriously make a line of clothing Lo! And by the looks of the people inside, the boutique does well." Gushed Ally.

"But then it wouldn't be special, the point was that people would get individual designs. It keeps it personal and affordable. Chains tend to over price things, and it loses its artistic value." answered Lauren.

"That's pretty smart Lauren." Camila added smiling at the blushing girl.

"Hey I have a question. Everyone has a store dedicated to them but me. Where's the love Lauren?" asked Ally playfully offended.

Lauren chuckled, amused at Ally's playful hurt expression. "I just haven't come up with a idea worthy of you Ally cat." Lauren answered completely unaware of the use of her old nick name for the Latina.

Ally noticed though. So did the other girls. She blushed saying, "I swear Jauregui, I don't remember you being so smooth with the ladies."

Lauren's face was beet red as they continued to walk down main street. They were on their way to the bookstore, when Camila stopped and stared at Lauren in shock.

"What?" Lauren asked uncomfortable at the look Camila was giving her.

"You dated men. I thought you slept with them! But you couldn't of!" Camila whispered surprised.

"Oh my god I never thought of that! How did I forget that?" Mani added also confused.

"I never slept with Luis or Brad. They were like beards for me I guess. I actually didn't have sex until a few years ago." informed Lauren nervously.

"Wait. Sam? Sam was your first?!" Camila whispered, jealousy seeping into her voice.

"Uh yeah. I mean she was my best friend, and since she worked at the hospital I was in she already knew about me. It didn't work out though, I didn't love her and she is pretty much 100% lesbian. It was awkward and uncomfortable, so we never did it again." Lauren mumbled embarrassed.

"You've only had sex once?" Ally asked amazed.

"Uh yeah? Why is that so weird?" Lauren mumbled, feels of insecurity seeping through.

"Lauren you're beautiful, like seriously beautiful and you're thirty years old and practically a virgin!" Normani exclaimed.

"I was always hiding my condition though. It kind of makes it hard to pick up girls. At first I was saving myself, but I realized a happy ending wasn't in the cards for me. So me and Sam were drunk and I asked her. She didn't mind, but afterwards it was just not what I expected. Sam said it feels like that if your not in love with someone. So I just never really... ya know tried again. Plus the women here avoid me like a leper romantic wise. I mean their nice, but every time I tried to flirt with someone it never went anywhere. It seemed like they were afraid of giving me a chance or something." Lauren sadly explained, looking down as she started to walk again.

The girls looked at Camila as they watched her expression of jealousy be replaced for one of affection. They avoided her because they thought Lauren was meant for Camila. The thought made Camila feel happy and guilty for some reason. She knew it wasn't her fault, but while she was going on dates and having casual sex, Lauren was having awkward sex and being avoided like the plague. How lonely could this girl get? Camila thought sadly.

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