Heal each other

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"Dear Lo,

I want to thank you for everything you've done for Bianca and I. Before you came around, I was really all she had. I used to think her obsession with you as a singer was strange, mainly because most of us adults don't believe celebrities can be truly genuine. But after three years of watching you hide away, and save this town, without making it some kind of publicity stunt, has completely change my opinion. I saw you for what you were, just a girl who was grieving and trying her hardest to survive from it. I can see that my daughter chose her hero well, and so many other people of this town feel the same way. When I first had Bianca I was married to a man that I thought would be my everything, but he soon proved me very wrong. He abused us in a way that leaves scars, and I'm fortunate that my daughter has been able to move on from the past and live a happy life. Unfortunately, my ex husband was not happy with my decision of leaving him and nearly killed us. He was sent to prison for spousal abuse and attempted murder when Bianca was five years old. He was released a year ago. His parents called six months ago to inform me of his insistence of seeing his daughter, but they wouldn't give my location to him. That wont stop him from looking. From their description of the temper he apparently still has, prison hasn't done him wonders. He is still dangerous. Bianca is my baby Lauren, I've managed to keep her safe for the majority of her life, but nows the time where my role in her life is ending. Inside of this envelope will be guardianship papers that have my signature. All you have to do is sign and she is yours. I'm begging you Lo to keep my baby safe. Help her be something in this world, and watch over her as I would. I'm not asking this of Lauren Jauregui the celebrity, I'm asking this of the woman I knew as Lo. I've seen your heart, and as guarded as you are, you have a beautiful soul. I know that you usually like to be alone, I understand that. But I also know it's not who your meant to be, but what the world has made of you. You have the capacity for great love Lauren, don't limit yourself from fear of being hurt. Things happen yes, but let it strengthen you, not destroy you. I've seen interviews of your mother, and I can safely say she was proud of who you were Lauren and where ever she is, she is still proud. She would want the last of her children to be happy. To have the life she always wanted for you. So please open your heart and let my girl in. You both can find comfort in each other, and have the family you both deserve. Thank you for always giving my little girl something to smile about. I'll be watching over both of you, as I'm sure your family already is."

Love always,


Lauren gripped the papers in her hand started to sob into them. Her body shook, and her breathing was erratic. Years of being numb, blown to hell by two letters in a single month. She didn't know what to do, so she cried. Another person gone. Both leaving her with their only priceless possessions.

The girls had left their families eating dinner, as they made their way to Laurens office, wondering what was taking her so long. Camila stopped the girls in the shop, motioning them to be quiet, when she heard heart wrenching sobs come from the office door. The girls looked at each other worried as they slowly made their way to the office. When they walked through the door, they saw a heartbroken Lauren hysterically crying, completely unaware of their presence. They approached her cautiously as she sat on her desk, with her face in a bunch of papers.

Camila and Ally approached each of Lauren's sides, gently placed their hands on her back startling her. Her sobs grew quiet and the look on her face tore through their hearts. Pain... heart wrenching pain was on her face, and it worried them.

"Lo, are you okay?" asked Normani as she knelt in front of her, placing her hands on Laurens knee's.

Lauren shook her head and handed Normani the papers wordlessly. Normani stood quietly and started to scan the letter, when she was done she looked at the other papers in her hand and then handed them to Ally, giving Lauren a look of symptathy.

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