Ties that bind us

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*smut*** Warning Camren quickie approaching lol

Troy and Arin were watching Sam, Lauren and Bianca amazed. As was the rest of their families, as the three woman took chainsaw's to the Christmas tree's on Lauren's acred property.

"Seriously? They cut their own trees?" asked Normani surprised as she walked up to Camila, Ally, Kat and Olivia who were watching in a group fascinated.

"Of course. How do you get Christmas trees?" asked Olivia confused.

"Honey we buy them like a normal person, or buy a fake tree." Ally answered shrugging as Normani and Camila nodded in agreement.

"Fake trees!" Kat and Olivia shouted horrified.

"Hey they great! You don't have to take care of them, and if you have animals you don't have to worry about them getting knocked over and shedding all those needles." Ally defended scrunching her nose in irritation at just the thought.

"How can you have a fake Christmas tree? That's just sad." Olivia exclaimed as Kat nodded vigorously.

"Hey I had a cat that would rub herself all over the tree and knock over all the ornaments. It was annoying. Something about the smell set her off too, and she would lunge at it trying to knock it over like all the time." Normani defended throwing her hands up.

"It was probably all the shinny balls no the smell Mani." Camila said thoughtfully.

"Well I had a dog that would pee on the tree all the time. When I opened my my size barbie it like smelled like pee." Ally said disgusted.

Kat was about to remark snarkily about taking dogs out earlier, when she was interrupted by Lauren.

"Hey Kat you want a tree too!" shouted Lauren.

"You bet your ass Lo! I didn't drag myself out of bed on a Sunday for nothing!" Kat shouted, making the girls laugh.

Lauren rolled her eyes and looked at Olivia.

"What about you liv? Your dad cut a tree yet?" Lauren asked shouting.

"No he hasn't. He would love you forever if you saved him the headache!" Shouted Olivia smiling hopefully. Her dad always complained about having to lug the chainsaw out.

"Okay, two more trees coming your way!" Lauren shouted, motioning for Bianca and Sam to cut two more.

"Is it wrong to think Bianca looks hot cutting trees?" asked Olivia biting her lip.

"Oooh no. Lo is looking so hot in that flannel and boots, gripping that chainsaw." Camila cooed, fanning her cheeks to lessen the blush on her face.

"You know now that you mention it, Sam is looking pretty hot right now." Kat said tilting her head to the side, taking in Sam's muscle shirt and open flannel shirt.

Ally and Normani scrunched their faces in disgust, and looked at their men in disapproval.

"Arin, Troy ya'll need to do something and look sexy! The lesbians are making woman hot over here and it's not fair!" Normani yelled in outrage.

Ally nodded frantically and yelled,"Mila's practically in heat watching Lo! Cut a tree and give us some man candy!"

The men looked at their wives amused, as Lauren, Sam and Bianca laughed shaking their heads.

"Ally you made them stop! Hey I want two tree's! Get cutting!" Camila demanded seeing Lauren put the chainsaw down and approach her grinning.

"Babe. Why do you need two trees?" asked Lauren taking her flustered wife into her arms.

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