Chapter 27 : It Simply Felt Right

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Nijicchi's Nonsense: Things turned dramatic blah blah blah Akashi's too stubborn and Nijimura too is just as stubborn, but Masaomi is still the most stubborn one .-. At least we won't have any drama here... We're probably nearing the end of this fic but I'm not yet sure how many chapters are left...


Akashi could breathe again when her father had left for a business trip. It was a business trip that should keep him busy for some days. Not that there was ever a day he wasn't busy.

For an unknown reason, Izumi had been busy too. It's probably because of her shady work, the redhead thought. She had wondered for a long time what was Izumi's real work as a scientist... What were the things she was really working on? Aside from serums that alter a person's DNA. Akashi had stopped wondering when Izumi said that she'll find out eventually. Akashi doesn't have all the time in the world to even bother deducing something she'll find out eventually. Being an Akashi means always being busy.

"Good morning, Akashi-sama!" Nijimura greeted from behind. He had brought his head as close as possible to her head without Akashi knowing it before he greeted her; she almost jumped because of his closeness.

"To you as well, but please don't sneak on people like that," she said trying to calm her heart.

He straightened his back and walked by her side. "I only sneak on you," he said. After a couple of seconds of silence from the redhead, he backtracked what he just said. Shit, didn't that sound like he was shamelessly flirting with her first thing in the morning? "Forget I said that,"

"It would be nice if I could," she replied. Sometimes, having a very sharp memory can be a nuisance; she hardly forgets.

"Right, too bright to forget," he muttered under his breathe. They were back to normal again. The week of torture was over for Nijimura. From there on, it will be just weeks of practicing the arts of self-control. After she had kissed him, he was sure he'll never look at her in the same way again.

"Senpai, I have to tell you something,"

"Is that more surprising than being Seijuuro?" he joked. She just frowned. "Never mind. Is it like right now?"

She pursed her lips, "Maybe later," she didn't want to tell him she's leaving in two weeks first thing in the morning.


Nijimura didn't want to think of all the embarrassing things he told Akashi. He just wanted to forget about everything he said.

"Then hurt me even more..."

He messed his own hair in frustration. He doesn't enjoy it when people hurt him. He was more than certain that he wasn't a masochist.

"Hurt me until I regret ever meeting you,"

Not a masochist. Definitely not a masochist. Well that's very convincing, Shuzo.

"Though I doubt that will ever happen,"

He'll never regret meeting her. He took a deep breath. At least, there was one part that didn't make him sound like a masochist which he would've been happy about if it just weren't so cheesy. He let his head fall on his palms as he silently tried to forget the embarrassing things he had said.

"You hate me to the core that you think about me every night and day,"

Nijimura had started to wonder how he even managed to say that. Was it the adrenaline rush? He must not have been thinking straight then. Too caught up with his own emotions he forgot to think straight.

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