38. Red Meets Violet

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Sitting between the two girls was like being the rope in tug of war, only it was much more frightening. The bell rang, and for once, Asano was thankful for its timing. Standing up, he grabbed (f/n)'s wrist while Vi narrowed her eyes, glaring at them both. "Listen, (l/n)-san, I'm truly sorry for yesterday. My body moved on its own." His apology was sincere for once, but the (h/c) didn't have time to care or deal with Asano, now that Vi was here. "Whatever, just let me go!!" As soon as Asano dropped her wrist, (f/n) dashed out of the classroom with Vi tailing as close as possible. The violet tried as best she could to keep up with the (h/c)'s alarmingly fast and steady pace, calling out after her, "Hold up, (f/n)!! I'm not done talking with you!!" The King looked over her shoulder, keeping up the same pace as she yelled out, "Oh my god, go away Vi!! No one likes a stalker!!" They continued bickering all the way up the mountain, where they, or rather, Vi, stopped. (F/n) quickly ran inside the building as the violet placed her hands on her knees, trying to regain her breath. After cooling down, she looked up to see the old Class E building, and mumbled out, "Why's the great 'King' in a shitty place like this?" Walking inside, she walked down the hallway to where she heard the most noise. Opening the door, an explosion of squealing and camera noises hit her, causing her to step back a bit before entering. Once inside the classroom, she noticed two people in the middle of the attention, and scowled at the familiar (h/c) hair. However, as she continued to watch, Vi realized that (f/n) was sitting on a boy's lap and kissing him. Her jaw dropped down in shock, which was when the class finally noticed her arrival. "My, my. What's a beauty such as yourself doing here? Surely you came to visit me?" Maehara cooed out. (F/n) and Karma parted and stared at Vi, which caused the rest of the class to follow suit. (F/n) pouted and and asked, "I thought you were 'too good' to enter a 'peasant's' building?" Vi glared slightly, replying through clenched teeth, "I told you I wasn't done talking to you." Quickly approaching the (h/c), Vi stopped and momentarily stared at the boy (f/n) was just making out with. As Karma stared back, the violet blushed and looked down at (f/n), who was childishly puffing out her cheeks. "Come with me! I need to talk with you!!" She hissed, clearly agitated. The (h/c) cried out, "No!!" before turning around to bury her face into Karma's chest. The violet sighed, thinking, 'This is gonna take a while.'
"Oh my god, why can't you leave me aloneeeeee," (f/n) wailed out. Vi had somehow managed to pry her off of Karma and carried her over the shoulder to who knows where. (F/n) hated to admit it, but if it came to just pure strength, Vi would beat her. The violet sighed as (f/n) complained, ticked off at her childish behavior. Everyone in the class was surprised to see the usually calm and mature king become a childish little sister. Even her voice sounded like a child, making the class squeal in delight. Karma had especially wanted to test something out, and see if she was still somewhat 'childish' in bed. However, Vi had taken her away from the group, carrying her to someplace more private. 'Why me?!' The (h/c) pouted, pondering this thought over and over again. Finally, Vi set her down and sighed. "Why have you been following me around?" Now alone, (f/n) had naturally started to speak English again, surprising the violet, who decided against questioning it. Vi laughed at the silly question though, ticking off the (h/c). "What's so funny?!" She snapped. Vi looked at her and giggled before answering, "You seem so much happier than back in America." Her (e/c) orbs rolled as she answered, "America was ok, but I was alone." Vi glared, snapping, "You had me since you were 8!" The girl sighed, answering, "You're more of a nagging twin than a childhood friend. Besides, there's more people who accept me here. Back there, everyone other than bratty lil ol' you ignored me for being so... 'kingly.'" Vi stared at (f/n) as she said these words, and noticed how cold her eyes were. Vi silently questioned, 'Was she really that alone? Did she come here for a new chance?' As she looked at the (h/c) again, she noticed (f/n) was staring back at the direction they came from with a small smile, her eyes now filled with light. The silence was calming, but Vi decided to break it, teasing her, "Since when did you know what love was?" (F/n) turned her head and looked straight into the violet's brilliant green orbs as she flatly said, "Since I came here." The (h/c) then watched in amusement as Vi started blushing from her cheesy line. "Hey... what's the redhead's name?" The innocent question put (f/n) on guard. Narrowing her eyes, she knew this pattern. 'This brat would always innocently ask the name of the guy from the girl, and then steal him away.' (F/n) silently debated whether or not she should tell her when she suddenly heard a bush rustling behind her. Turning around, she saw the familiar red hair and immediately, her face lighted up. "Ne~ (F/n)~ The bell's about to ring. Wanna head back?" Karma questioned as (f/n) walked up and hugged him. She giggled as Karma hugged back, humming out, "I can't stay here with you?" "No, you can't. We have a test in 6th period today." (F/n) pouted as Vi answered, glaring at the violet. Vi sweetly smiled at Karma, and was shock when he only nodded his head in acknowledgement. 'They usually fall heads over heels!!' This thought aggravated Vi, a scowl now present on her face in place of the smile. (F/n) smiled and grabbed Karma's collar, forcing him to lean down slightly in order for her to kiss him. The redhead happily kissed back, smirking as he slipped his tongue into the (h/c)'s mouth. They made out for a long time before Vi had had enough and cleared her throat. As they pulled apart, (f/n) returned the violet's glare with a scowl. "Why can't you just-" "Why are you so irre-" "Stop nagging and-" "You can't even-" The two started to argue once again, growing louder and louder with every line.
Vi stormed back to the main building, leaving Karma and (f/n) alone. The redhead sat down, leaning against the tree trunk as (f/n) plopped down between his legs. "Are you gonna skip fifth period, you naughty girl?" The (h/c) giggled as he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled his head into the crook of her neck. "What about you? Aren't you skipping fifth period too?" Karma smirked, changing the subject as he asked, "Wanna go on a quick date? Or grab some sweets and head home right away?" The (h/c) grew silent, debating which she wanted more before letting out a small squeal. Karma chuckled and slid his hand farther up her shirt, teasing her as his fingers brushed against her body. Pouting, (f/n) lifted his head and kissed him quickly, before pulling away to say, "Why not go home right away?" The redhead smirked, humming out, "Fine with me~"
Vi stared at the door all through fifth period in an irritated manner. Beside her, she heard Asano clear his throat as he asked, "Phantomhive-san, please excuse my nosiness, but what is your relationship with King-san?" The green-eyed girl grew even more annoyed when she heard (f/n)'s nickname. "We're rivals that have known each other for a long time. But you shouldn't be so curious about that girl, when she's already taken." Asano became flustered, making Vi to think, "So I was spot on about him liking her, huh? Dammit... Why does everyone look at her rather than me??" The longer she thought about it, the more enraged she became, silently cursing the (h/c) -haired girl out. The door opened as the the bell for passing period rang, making every head in the room face the entrance. (F/n) skipped in, humming happily as she sat down in her seat and took her stuff out. Vi hissed out, "You're late!" "Not for sixth period~" "Why did you blatantly skip fifth??" (F/n) rolled her (e/c) orbs, replying, "Isn't it obvious? I was hanging out with Karma. Fifth period would've been boring anyways, since it was just study hall." Vi glared and quietly asked, "Are you free after school today?" (F/n) giggled as she hummed out, "I'm going home with Karma, so nope~" Before Vi could say anything, Asano butted in and mentioned, "King-san, the teacher wants to see you after school for cutting class." (F/n) frowned before sweetly asking, "Can you tell her my father already made a few agreements with the chairman, so it should be fine?" He was about to protest, but the bell for sixth period rang, forcing him to nod in agreement. Vi watched, annoyed as the (h/c) happily sat down in her seat. As the teacher walked in, the violet smiled, sending a small chill down (f/n)'s spine as Vi cooked up a small plan.

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