20. Connections

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Karasuma placed a hand on (f/n)'s forehead as Karma made her body lean against him for support. "She has a high fever. It'll be bad if we force her to come along in her condition. She needs rest at the moment." Everyone started whispering, worried about the (h/c) as Karma held her tightly. Yoshida quietly offered out, "We could leave her here, hiding her somewhere. This place is soundproof and I doubt people will find her when she's so quiet." Koro-sensei states, "It's a bad idea to leave her alone. Even if someone were to stay with her, it's risky for the group to get separated when we're so close to the enemy. It's best if we can bring her along somehow." "I can just carry her as we go beat up the guy." Everyone turned and looked at Karma, thinking that it was a better idea than leaving her alone. He would protect her best out of all of them if things took a turn for the worst anyways. Karasuma sighed and thought for a while before saying, "Alright. But you have to wait outside until we give you a signal that it's clear." Nodding, he asked Nagisa to help move (f/n) onto his back. The girl's arms were loosely hung over Karma's shoulder, and everyone started worrying even more when they saw how limp it was.
        As they reached the top floor, Karasuma made hand signals. Silently, they walked into the room while Karma waited with (f/n) outside. Her hand twitched, causing Karma to jerk his head over his shoulder to look at her as (f/n) quietly groaned. Karma sighed, relieved that she was still somewhat fine as she subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck loosely. Peeking through the doorway, he could see everyone preparing to ambush the asshole, when a disgusting voice talked. (F/n) started to shiver slightly as the voice filled the air. She was still unconscious, but she felt a chill from the voice. Karma gritted his teeth as he saw Takaoka spin around from the chair. The asshole stood up, telling everyone to join him up on the rooftop. Karma looked over at Karasuma, who reluctantly nodded, since it was an extremely bad idea if they were to separate now. On the way up to the rooftop, Karma felt (f/n) subconsciously tremble from rage.
       As soon as they arrived, (f/n) groaned and shifted, mumbling out, "Something bad's about to happen. That man is mad. Be careful Nagisa-kun." Karma set her down, but still held her arm in case she wasn't able to stand yet. Sure enough, she immediately collapsed to her knees, even with Karma supporting her. Nagisa walked over and gave her a small smile, quietly saying, "I'll be fine, (f/n)-chan." (F/n) opened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her, narrowing them as soon as they fell on Takaoka. "Oh my, what a scary face you got there, Ms. (L/n) (f/n). Your father isn't happy that that's the face you greet him with." His sinister voice filled the air as (f/n) instantly backed away in disgust. "You've got a lot of guts to be showing your face around after stealing from the military and making off with all that money. Father was outraged when he heard of the crimes you've committed. He's expecting word from officials announcing your imprisonment eagerly." Everyone stared at (f/n), shocked that she knew about Takaoka, but happy that she was even more disgusted with him than they were. Takaoka started screaming at Nagisa, telling him to hurry up. "AND ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU, I'LL SLOWLY TORTURE THE FUCKING BITCH WHOSE DAD RUINED MY LIFE AND JOB!!" Everyone faced (f/n) as Takaoka screamed this. All she did was shrug while saying calmly, but in a loud enough voice for Takaoka to hear, "Don't count on it, you little crybaby bitch~" (F/n) had a fever, but that didn't stop her sharp tongue. As Nagisa approached the knife he threw on the floor, Takaoka threw the suitcase full of antidotes into the air as he pressed the button and blew it up. (F/n) groaned as everyone gasped, mumbling out, "What a dirty son of a bitch," so only Karma could hear. Nagisa, shocked, looked down at Terasaka and (f/n) with eyes that Terasaka interpreted as pity. Nagisa picked up the knife, leaking a large amount of bloodlust and saying, "I'll kill you," as (f/n) carefully watched. Terasaka threw his stun gun at him, yelling out, "Don't get carried away, Nagisa!! When he blew up the antidote, you were looking at me with pity in your eyes, weren't you?" Terasaka proceeded to lecture Nagisa and (f/n) smiled, catching Karma's attention. "Why are you smiling in such a situation, (f/n)?" The redhead quietly asked. The (h/c) chuckled quietly as she replied, "To think Terasaka of all people could calm down a murderous Nagisa-kun. Life sure is full of surprises." Karma stared at (f/n), who looked back at him innocently. He saw a familiar glint of mischief in her beautiful (e/c) orbs and internally smirked. The redhead silently thought, 'If she can be so calm in such a situation, that means the little brat knows something. Meaning that she and everyone else will be alright.' (F/n) broke their eye contact and looked up to watch Nagisa's fight, amused from thinking about the pain Takaoka will go through.

As everyone cheered for Nagisa's victory, (f/n) chuckled while looking at Takaoka's body. Borrowing Karma's 'Kick Me' bag, the girl started torturing the unconscious asshole as everyone other than Karma stood far away from her, scared of the sadistic girl. After finishing, the three assassins appeared in front of them while Karasuma called a helicopter. Smog threw a bottle of medicine which Nagisa caught, explaining the situation with the virus. Karma immediately snatched it and ran over to the girl that was sitting on the floor grinning. "So you knew it was a smaller version of the virus, huh?" Karma sighed while he popped one into her mouth, tossing the bottle back to Nagisa. (F/n)'s eyes widened in delight and she called out, "Smog-chan! It's sweet and yummy! Thank you~!" Smog nodded, replying with a chuckle, "I made it to suit (l/n)-san's tastes after all." Everyone stared at (f/n) with their jaws dropped in shock as the girl happily swallowed the medicine. "(F/n)!! How do you know the poison guy?!" The class screeched. Alarmed, (f/n) moved closer to Karma and hugged his arm like a child. "Uh, my father has a lot of connections, and so do I. Smog-chan was one of the assassins my father had me learn under, so I got kinda close with him?" Glaring at Smog, she started scolding him, "Who would've thought you would work under the man my father hated. Thank god you only gave us the baby virus, otherwise father might've actually gone after you and kill you himself!" All he could do in response to her lecture was nervously chuckle as everyone stared at (f/n) in disbelief. The helicopter soon took the three men away after Grip ruffled Karma's hair, saying he'll come after him when someone puts a price on him. Karma walked back to (f/n) and picked her up bridal style. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KARMA?! I STILL HAVE A FEVER!!" The (h/c) screeched, blushing as he just laughed while everyone took pictures of the duo.
~The Next Day~
(F/n) woke up to loud construction noises outside her room. As she opened her eyes, Karma's face was in front of her, barely a centimeter away. He opened his eyes to the girl's red face and smirked, pulling her body closer into a tighter embrace. "Morning brat," he teasingly said as she averted her eyes. Quietly, she retorted, "Don't call me a brat, brat." Karma chuckled, causing the girl to look back into his eyes. Staring at each other for a while, Karma leaned in and kissed (f/n) cheekily, which she returned in an instant. Karma bit her lower lip for entrance and she opened, allowing him to slip his tongue in. They made out for a long time, fully knowing that the class had set up cameras and were watching them right then and there, all of them squealing while watching the footage. As Karma reluctantly pulled away for air, (f/n) pulled him back in and kissed him again, earning a blush from the sadistic male as she pulled away five seconds later. "Let's go check out what's going on outside." As she stood up, she leapt over Karma and walked over to the door. Grabbing a water bottle, she quickly opened the door and poured water on everyone that fell onto the floor. Maehara, Sugino, Nakamura, and Kayano all got drenched while Kanzaki, Isogai, and Nagisa stood behind the door, knowing full well that (f/n) planned on playing with them. The wet group of four nervously chuckled as Karma stood and walked over to (f/n), hugging her at the waist from behind. (F/n) ignored them and started walking outside, all the while Karma tagged along, still hugging her from behind.

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