Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sorry this one is a little late! Here, have a cookie 🍪!
I had a writers block halfway through it. Oh well! Enjoy it!
Here are my reasons it's late;
I had writers block halfway through, I'm working on other ideas and school started.
Dress above!

>>Angels POV<<
After fat ass left, I felt suddenly cold and alone yet I felt as though someone was watching me. I shivered and turned up the volume of the TV.

"Trying to block me out are you?" A voice cooed, I actually didn't feel scared just annoyed.

"Can't a girl catch a fucking break!" I cried standing up and looking around.

"No" the voice whispered in my ear. I flinched but cold hands landed on my waist.

"Let go Justin, I have no interest in you" I said coldly. He moaned,

"But I have interest in you" he murmured in my ear. I felt the world slip away in front of me and darkness take over.

::-Justin's POV-::
She collapsed in my arms and I teleported back into my actual home.
It was a large mansion in the next town, surrounded by the forest. I placed my sleeping Angel on my bed.

"Goodnight my sweet" I murmured kissing her lightly. I wanted more, I wanted to taste her blood and have her be mine but I had to wait until tonight at the ceremony. Then she'll be all mine, I cuddled up to her but she shifted away. I put a tighter grip on her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.

"P.... Please no!" She murmured, I tilted my head to the side.
What is my little Angel dreaming about?
I went into her dream and hid in the shadows, I saw her parents standing over her body.

"Worthless slut" they cried in unison. Angel was weeping, it broke my non-existence heart. I sighed, I wasn't controlling this dream so I couldn't do anything. I exited her dream and saw her beautiful face, soon that will be mine.

"Sir, the dress is ready" a maid came in bowing slightly. I smiled, at midnight she shall be mine and no one can take that away from me.

"Good, now leave" I barked, she bowed again and left. I tied Angels wrists to the bed, she was going no where! I placed a long and passionate kiss on her lips.
I craved her taste! Then left,

"Get her ready when she wakes up" I ordered the maid who bowed again.

>>Angels POV<<
I awoke in a strange room, tied to the bed.

"Fuck" I cursed and tried to wiggle out of it. The door opened interrupting me, an woman walked in bowing. She had greying brown hair and faint lines of wrinkles.

"Madam Angel, your awake" she said,

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked. She didn't seem like the type to kidnap others but looks can be deceiving.

"Pardon me, I am Valeria. Sir Justin told me to get you dressed" she said bowing as she approached the bed.

"Sir Justin?" I asked, he must be the leader of the vampires.

"We are very formal around our leaders" she said reaching for the rope. She hesitated and said,

"It'd be best not to fight, Sir Justin has every thing locked down. Plus it will be dangerous for a female werewolf running around a bunch of vampires" she said. I nodded, unless someone was going to save me then there was no way to escape.

"I rather not be sucked dry today" I responded dryly. She gave me a small smile and undid my ropes, I rubbed my wrists and stretched.

"Come with me to get your dress" Valeria said guiding me out the door. I followed out the door and saw a bunch of guards everywhere! She wasn't kidding when she said it was on lockdown. Maids and butlers rushed past us, avoiding eye contact.
Valeria lead me into a room and in the middle of it sat a manikin with a beautiful dress on it.

"Wow" I breathed, it was like red velvet. A slit ran from the bottom to the waist to show off some leg. The front hung down low showing cleavage and there wasn't much back to it. It felt so smooth like silk,

"Come on madam, let's get you dressed" Valeria said. Please Tyson! Come soon!

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