Chapter Nine

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>>Angels POV<<
"They're like a fucking cow!" Brody commented plopping onto a log.

"Who?" I asked grabbing my lighter and the gasoline.

"Hannah and Tyson, their moaning so loud!"
I felt a twinge of jealously in my heart.

"Oh well, at least he's getting more action then you" I joked nudging him.

"Yeah yeah, just light it already. I'm freezing my ass off!"
I poured to gasoline onto the wood and smiled as I lit it.

"Burn! BURN! BURN!" I cried laughing like a manic as I sat next to Brody. He shifted away from me a little,

"FIRES UP!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Bunches of people ran down the small hill to join us. The music was turned down so it was light. Brody and I got put together, sticks and marshmallows were past around as we sat there listening to the fire crackling.

"The moon looks so nice" Brody said looking up. I followed his eyes up to the full moon, it did look beautiful.
I hummed in reply,

"Your marshmallow's burning"

"Shit!" I cursed bringing the gooey substance to my mouth. Brody chuckled,

"Tyson's lucky"

"Why? Cause he's having sex with a pig?"

"No" he chuckled before looking at me,
"That he has someone like you as a friend, he can fix you"

"I don't need to be fixed" I scoffed, he raised an eyebrow at me.
"I don't! Now put that eyebrow down before I rip it off!"

"Oh no!" Brody said putting his hands on his eyebrows.
"Not Jimmy and Joey!"

"Did you really just name your eyebrows?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah, don't you girls name your breats?"

"No, well crazy people do" I said smiling.
I don't give a crap about Tyson and if he wants STD's but a small part of my brain wanted me to sleep with him.

"Hello? Angel! You-- crap" Brody started but he leaned away from everyone and spewed. I patted his back,

"If I spew, your holding my hair"

"Deal" Brody muttered spewing more.
"You can stay in one of the guest rooms" Brody said helping me up the stairs. Everyone had gone home and the fire was out. I stumbled a little and giggled.

"I'm not sleeping near the cows!" I said, Brody smiled.
"You should smile more, yours is amazing"

"Thanks, here we are. My room is next door if you need me" Brody said I opened the door. The walls were a creamy white and a king sized bed sat in the corner. A dresser was to only other thing in the room.

"Night Brody" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He flared up making me giggle.

"Night Angel" he said walking away to another room.
I snuggled under the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

((Tyson's POV))
We sat in Brody's room,

"Shit shit shit shit shit!" I repeated.

"Tyson, calm down! What happened before?" Brody asked.

"Uhh, Angel and I were about to talk...... Hannah came in, Angel jumped out the window"

"Sounds like her" Brody said stretching and yawning.

"Hannah gave me a drink and I had an urge....... SHIT!" I cursed loudly punching a nearby wall.

"Easy!" Brody said jumping up, "where's the cup?"

"In my room" I said, Brody scampered out and returned with the half drunken beer. He smelt it,

"Yep, spiked" he said throwing it out the window,
"I think it's one to increase your hormones but decreases your thinking"

"Look at you using smart words" I said nudging him.

"Yeah, you're going to have to sleep somewhere else or push Hannah out"

"I say put her in the woods and see how long she lasts without her lip gloss" A voice said. Looking at the doorway, Angel stood there looking sleepy. My wolf wanted to kiss her again,

"How long have you been there?" Brody asked.

"Since Grumpy pants smashed my wall" she said walking out. I followed her curiously.

"Love the decor by the way Brody" She said opening my door.

"Why thank you" he said as we followed Angel in.
"What exactly are we doing?"

"Getting rid of your bug problem" she said. She picked up the naked Hannah and walked over the the window.

"No Angel don't!" I cried but it was too late. She literally threw Hannah out of the window along with her bra and underwear. I could hear her screams,

"Find your own way home drink spikker!" Angel called shutting the window.
"Beds yours, night!" She called like this was a normal thing chucking people out windows.

"Holy crap!" Brody muttered, Angel walked out of the room and I ran to the window. Hannah was standing there in her undergarments staring up.

"Tyson Baby!" She whined,

'Stick with your mate' Jay whispered. I sighed and closed the curtains, blocking Hannah out. I snuggled back under the bed and missed the warmth of Angel.
"Morning" I said as Angel shuffled into the kitchen. Her hair was like a caveman and her clothes were ruffled. She grunted in reply,

"Want some Eggs and Bacon?" I asked, she nodded as I served her a plate.

"What's the time?" Angel asked,

"10:43" I answered handed her some juice and painkillers, again she grunted in reply.

>>Angels POV<<
After Tyson dropped me off (20 minutes later, lazy ass)
I wondered over to Justin's house. Knocking on the door, I heard a familiar sound of Justin's cat Holden knocking something over.

"Shit! For fucks sack Holden!" Justin cried, the door opened and his scowl returned to a smile.
"Hello Angel"

"Hey, what happened with Holden?" I asked.

"Just knocked a bottle over, stupid cat" Justin said. He found Holden stuck under a car, a Holden car, and Justin adopted him.
I pocked my head inside and saw the brown cat sprawled on the couch with his white paws stretched out.

"Fat ass" Justin mumbled as I stepped inside.

"Hi Holden!" I said patting the cat, he opened one eye and closed it again.

"Nice to see you again too" I muttered as Justin joined us. He chuckled, turning on the TV to the news.

"A young student at Westmount high had been arrested on school grounds for carrying illegal drugs" the reporter said, I smiled.

"Look ma! I'm on the news!" I said happily,
"You owe me 50 bucks! Told ya if get on the news before you"
Justin grumbled but handed the money over.

"She had been into jail where local business mans son, Tyson, had bailed her out"
They showed a cut scene of me with my face against the bonnet of the car.

"Local school girl, Hannah parkers, called police to warn them of the drug use, next up we have Facebook hackers and what they really do"

"I'm gonna kill that bitch!" I said before smiling,
"I already threw her out a 2 story window in the middle of the night naked with only her bra and underwear."

"Pay-backs a bitch" Tyson said slapping my thigh playfully. He put his arm behind me and I moved closer to him. Resting my head on his chest, I could hear his unsteady heart beat.

"Are you okay? Your hearts having a bloody spaz attack"

"Yeah I'm alright, just the meds I'm on" he says placing a cold hand on my shoulder.

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