Chapter Elevan

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>>Angels POV<<
'Where have you been!' I growled at her.

'Away, it was better if I left' she said,

'What is your name?' I asked slowly opening my eyes.

'My name is Dawn' she said, her voice was sweet but with an edgy and mean tone with a hint of sexy rolled into one.

'I didn't need you before and I'm don't need you now!' I growled before cutting her off.

((Tyson's POV))
"Lucy, we have to tell her one day" I said watching Lucy paint her nails purple.

"Key word, one day. Not today, but soon" she replied blowing on her nails.

"Your so smart!" I said ruffling her hair. She grumbled as I walked out, that's when I smelt it.
It was leather, smoke and caramel like Angel only it was stronger. I also smelt a rogue but that would be far away.

'Mate!' Jay chirped happily.

'I know it's mate but why is it stronger?' I wondered. Then it just stopped, so did the rogue smell. I entered my room where Angel was lying,

"Are.... Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yep" she said, I felt her forehead and she flinched.
"Fuck off" she muttered.

"You're hot..." I started,

"Thanks for noticing"

"Take your leather jacket off" I said, her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Jut turn the AC on" she said, I sighed but flicked it on anyway.

'Shes hiding something..' Jay started.

'No shit Sherlock'
"Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" I heard Angel mutter as she came downstairs. I have my parents and apologetic look.

"Angel, this is my father and mother. Richard and Dani" I said as Angel hobbled over to the table where we sat. Sam's parents left the pack house but Sam needed to stay.

"Hello, I'm Angel Hunter" she said sitting down. A loud squeal was heard Angel was engulfed in a hug.

"And this is my little sister Lucy"

"Oh my god! It's going to be so much fun having another teenage girl around we are gonna be best friends" Lucy cried smiling brightly. Angel smiled but it was quickly taken away.

"I don't have friends, I have people around that help" Angel said sitting back down. Lucy's smile vanished as she sat down too.

"Well it's good that Tyson has friends" my mother said smiling. Angel smiled back but it was fake,

'I've never seen Angel smile truly' Jay said.

"If you don't mind, I have to go so bye" Angel said hobbling over to the door. She went down the hallway and I followed her until she was at the door.

"You can't go! I'm the only person who can drive you and you can't walk" I said smirking.

"SAM!" She yelled,

"Holy crap what?!" Sam asked. I glared at him,

"Drive me home" Angel commended.

"Don't Sam" I said, Sam gave Angel a sorry look but she just smirked. She opened the door and walked out,

'She can't be walking home is she?' Sam asked through mind link. I followed her out and saw her get into Brody's 4wheel drive. He looked surprised at first but they soon zoomed off with Angel giving me the rude finger.

"Fuck!" I cried,

"Language!" My father called. I rolled my eyes and entered the house.

>>Angel's POV<<
"Thanks Brody, your brothers crazy" I said as he stopped the car.

"No problem" he said,
"I'll see ya around"

"Bye" I called hopping out. I hobbled to the door but when Brody zoomed off in his crappy car, I walked perfectly fine.
Thanks to my werewolf genes, I'm a fast healer. But that doesn't mean there is no scars.
I opened the door and was greeted by silence,

"Yay" I said sarcastically. I stripped off the bandage and looked at the puncher holes. They were now scars like the rest of my body.

At school, my wolf senses started to kick in no matter how much I refused to block it.
I heard sucking sounds from a classroom, boys were practicing on the field and girls chattered. I arrived at my locker,

'Leave me the hell alone' I growled at Dawn.

'You can't ignore me forever' Dawn replied going back into my mind. I heard someone behind me,

"Piss off Tyson" I said.

"How'd you know?" Tyson asked defeated.

"I could smell the desperation in the air" I said.

"Ha-ha" he said sarcastically

"Glad to know it was funny" I said smiling, I heard the sound of highly polished shoes walking down the hall.

"Hello sir!" I said,

"Hello Angel, just a reminder that you are capable of detentions now and you are free to leave Tyson and Sam" he said. I smiled and dashed off leaving Tyson and the principal there.

"Get back here!" Tyson cried, I could hear his foot steps. I dodged people and teachers as I ran around the school. I got a burst of speed down an empty hallway and was at the end while Tyson was at the other end.

"Control yourself Angel!" I muttered turning down another hallway.
"Don't show your speed of stength"
I dashed outside as I heard the school bell rung.

"Come on Angel!" Tyson called as I ran out of the school grounds.
I dashed into my street and slowed down as I past Justin's house. I shrugged and knocked.

"Angel?" Justin asked when he opened the door.

"The one and only!"
He wrapped his strong arms around me and brought me in. I could smell the alcohol and pot in his house.

"I'm..... I'm sooo sorry Angel!" Justin slurred. Drunk.
"Please for- forgive me. I didn't mean.... Mean it"

"It's okay Justin" I said patting his back awkwardly.
"I forgive you"

"Wanna get shit faced?" Justin asked after pulling away and wiping his face. I grabbed a bottle and nodded.

"This is a song that'll get on your nerves! Get on your nerves! Get on your nerves! This is a song that'll get on your nerves! Get on your nerves! Get on your nerves!" We sung shit faced as we watched 'space jam'. It was like 9 at night, I spent the whole day with Justin, he makes me feel better.
Justin put his cigarette down.

"What if *hic* Bugs bunny wanted YOU to go to where ever the hell they are?" He asked, I giggled at the question.

"I'd go, I mean come on! TAZ is there!" I said putting down my cigarette and taking a swig from my bottle.
I slipped off my boots and jackets, he knew about my scars. He found them when I forgot my jacket one day and I ran down to his house for pot.

"I'd go for Daffy *hic* Duck"Justin said,

"Taz is way better *hic* than a duck" I said looking at him.

"Yeah right" he scoffed looking at me so we were in a staring contest.

Then he leaned in and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He moaned as we fought for dominance.
All memories went out the window as he trailed kisses down my neck. Hitting a sweet spot in the crook of my neck I moaned in delight. I felt his teeth grazed my shoulder before returning to my mouth.

"Angel" he moaned as I ran my hands up and down his chest.
"Let's take this upstairs for a private party"

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