Chapter Twelve

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This chapter is dedicated to minhos-bae , hope this made you shiver and laugh! (BTW- I laughed so hard writing this chapter and wanted to delete it but here it is!)

>>Angels POV<<
I followed him upstairs and into his room. He pushed me onto the bed and hovered above me before burying his face into my chest.

"Justin..." I said before he started to take off his shirt, after throwing to the side he took off my shirt leaving me in my push up bra. I started to unbuckle his pants and he looked at me with a guilty look.

"Should we really be doing this with your condition?" He asked. I just pulled down his pants leaving him in his boxers. I pulled him on me and explored his mouth as he took off my pants. I felt his cold hands reach around to my back.
I arched my back as he unclipped my bra.

'Thats where he touched you..'
No! He will not ruin this for me!
Justin threw my bra to the side and kissed my neck, he sucked on the sweet spot making me moan. I pulled down his boxers,
'Woah he's big!'
Justin slowly pulled down my underwear, I closed my eyes as I heard paper ripping.

"Are we really doing this?" I asked myself as Justin began kissing me again.

'What about mate?' Dawn asked.
'Forget about mate! We don't need one!' I yelled at her.
'Right! And we need a fuck buddy' she said before running away.
I let at a moan as Justin entered me, he moaned as he thrusted deeply. Our breaths quickened as we kept at it.

"Justin... Justin.... JUSTIN!" I yelled scared of the memories, I saw his eyes flash red before he closed them and groaned.

"Sshh! Baby it's okay." He said as I sucked his neck and dragged my nails over his back and into his hair.

-::Justin's POV::-
We lied in bed cuddling, our legs entwined and my hands wrapped around her. This is how it's supposed to be, me and my girl having sex.

"Are you alright Angel?" I asked her,

"Fine, thanks to you" she said as I kissed the top of her head. I had held back all those feelings for Angel and tonight I let it go.

"I love you" she said, this brought tears to my eyes.

"I love you too"
And don't you EVER replace me with Tyson! I need him gone!
I felt my fangs expose but I quickly retracted them, Angel doesn't need to know I'm a vampire until she's ready for me to mark.
There had been a few close shaves with my red eyes showing either anger or lust.

"How are you going my sweet angel?" I mumbled,

"Good" she said.
I just hope Tyson can't feel her emotions yet.

\/Brody's POV\/
"Dodge!" I cried pushing Lucy out of the way as a chair went flying across the room.

"Tyson!" My father cried, "calm down!" He said. Lucy and mother took the opportunity to run from the room. Tyson's eyes were black meaning anger.

"I can't!" He yelled, fangs exposed.

"Why?!" I yelled at him as Tyson threw a small table across the room. He let out a ear piecing howl and fell crumpled to the ground.
The room was a mess!
Wallpaper ripped, wood thrown about and everything was smashed. I slowly approached him and heard him crying.

"Tyson..?" I asked, Alphas don't cry so this is new.

"She's gone" he muttered,
"She went an had FUCKING SEX with another MAN!" He yelled the last part and stormed out of the room and out of the house.

"What's the matter with Ty?" Lucy asked as mum and dad ran off to contact people.

"Angel had sex with another person" I explained,

"There goes our friendship" Lucy muttered, I chuckled as she walked off.
If only Angel knew what is going on I'm sure she would never do anything.

((Tyson's POV))
I knocked on the door in a calm manner even though I was angry.
It's no point taking it out on the parents.

"Oh hello Tyson!" Amanda chirped happily, I smiled.

"Hello Miss! Is Angel in?" I asked.

"She's studying at her friends house, Justin. He lives down the street and is her tutor" Amanda explained. I was fumming,

"Thank you"
I turned on my heels and stalked down the street, I knocked on Justin's door.

"Meow!" A cat called, it jumped over the fence, I growled at showing my teeth but it didn't flinch, like it's used to seeing fangs from humans.
It ran away as the door opened and I was greeted with a shirtless Justin.

"Where is she?!" I roared waking Justin up from his sleepiness.

"Upstairs asleep" he said smirking.
"Why are you getting upset?"

"Because she's my mate!" I growled taking a step forwards.

"What's a mate? Is it like a girlfriend? Because right now, we're mates" Justin said smiling.

"Don't play dumb with me you dirty blood-sucking leech!" I yelled pushing him back. When he looked at me, he had red eyes and his white fangs showed. I produced my canines and my eyes turned black.

"Would you shut up!" Angel yelled, we quickly retired to our normal forms as Angel stomped downstairs and stood next to Justin who smirked and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"What are you doing here Ty?" She asked. I looked between Justin and Angel, clenching and unclenching my fists.

"Nothing.." I muttered defeated, I started to walk out when Angel grabbed my wrist.

"If your waking me up at whatever the time is, I demand to know why!"

"I was jealous okay?" I yelled, my wolf starting to take over.
"I wanted that with you because your mine! Then you go and BETRAY ME!"

"Betray you? I was never yours in the first place!" Angel screamed at me taking a step forwards, I could smell alcohol and weed in the air. She's drink and high. No one had challenged me to a fight ever because they know I'll win. But Angel is different and not afraid.

"Well.... I can tell you exactly but one day you'll know" I said,
"And you'll be sorry" I growled the last part and walked out, slamming the door in the process.

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