Loss of a Friend

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After mine and Stiles little heart to heart, I had been given word from Boyd and Isaac that Derek was alive. I didn't know if I believed them but I had to see for myself. They also informed me that the Alpha's were after Derek, and that Kali was planning on killing him. They also told me how they were coming up with a plan to keep their Alpha safe. It was going to be dangerous and I know Derek said to stay away but there was no way in god's name that I was not going to go and make sure Derek was alive. He died, I watched him die and there was nothing that would stop me from seeing the proof myself. Stiles understood, wanting to give me the space I needed as I found myself racing up the stairs to the sour wolf's loft. I don't know what came over me as I found myself standing there, door wide open as I stared at the Alpha in across from me.

"Derek?" I heard my voice crack as he offered me a small smirk. "You're alive!"

I think this reaction surprised Derek, or at least me running across the room into his arms did. I jumped up and hugged him, he actually caught me to, holding me up instead of letting me fall flat on my ass. I hugged him so tight, afraid that he might not actually be real and this was all some sort of nightmare or way to help me cope with his death.

I let out a sharp breath as I leaned back, still in his arms, and got a good look at his face. I cupped his face in my hands and smiled to myself. "I can-I can't believe it's you." I let out a sharp laugh as I could practically feel Derek's smirk as he grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me in closer. This moment would be gone at any moment, so I wanted to enjoy what might be the only nice moment I'll have with Derek in a long time.

"Ho-how are you alive?" My voice was unsteady. "I-I watched you die...right in front of me..."

"I'm not that easy to kill.." Derek said as I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

I know me and Derek had our differences but we were a pack. We were friends, whether either of us cared to admit it or not, we cared about the other. After all, he sent me and Isaac away to keep us safe and I practically almost died from the guilt of him dying. There was nothing that could happen that would make me want Derek to be gone forever. Sure we both had our differences but I wouldn't want him to die. . . . We were friends before all of this crap happened, years ago. His sister Laura used to braid my hair, we would go playing in the streams in the woods. We were friends and despite a few complications and blood lust, we were still that. It didn't matter if he wanted to keep up his sour wolf persona, Derek was a big softie at heart. He just didn't like to show it. And for good reasons too.

"Thought you would have been glad I was gone." Derek speculated after he set me down on the ground.

I looked at him confused at first before bringing my hand up, hitting him hard across the face and making him stumbled backwards confused. "Are you kidding me?!" I yelled at him. "Derek, there is no way I would ever want you to die! Sure we may disagree and we've both said we would see the other in hell but there is no way I would ever want you to die...We're apart of the same pack, and whether you like it or not...you're one of the closest thing I've had to a family in a long time.."

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