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"There was something almost ritualistic about it. Like it was looking right into his soul." Mr. Argent informed us. 

Isaac and I exchanged a look. "That's the same thing it did to us." 

"That's what it did to everyone." Allison said as she patched up her dad. 

After the attack last night, we came over to Allison's to see if her dad had found anything out and we were greeted by their door opened slightly, blood on the wall and him passed out on the floor. It was kind of a scary sight. Once he woke up, Allison started patching him up and he started telling us his story. 

I guess Mr. Argent was attacked last night by the same hooded freaks that we were attacked by. 

"Not everyone, they only came after the werewolves." I pointed out. 

"And Lydia." She counter argued, fixing the cut on her dad's forehead. Things were still kind of sour between us since last night but they'd die down any day now. After all, we have weird hooded freaks coming after everyone in our pack. There was no time to argue among each other. 

"Anyone with a connection to the supernatural." Mr. Argent informed us. 

"Then who was the guy they went after in Japan?" Isaac asked. Mr. Argent told us about how during one of his first missions as a hunter or something, he encountered these freaks who attacked us before. He was in Japan and they went after this guy he was doing a deal with. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't think I could ever sit down at a dinner table with the Argent family. I picture it like "pass the salad and the 9mm would you?" 

"A kumicho. A yakuza boss. It was my first gun deal. I was only 18 and it was supposed to be a simple exchange. Except Gerard left out the minor detail of the buyers being yakuza. He wanted to see if I could adapt in the moment, testing my ability to improvise." Mr. Argent told us, trying to stand still as Allison worked on putting in a simple stitch to hold his cut closed, long enough for it to heal better.

"Or your ability to survive." Allison questioned as she dabbed his cut with some alcohol to keep it sterilized. 

Mr. Argent shook his head simply. "The moment the sun went down, it was like they just materialized out of the shadows. They had swords, not curved like katanas but straight, black steel. Like ninjatos." 

"What did they want?" I asked as Isaac rubbed my shoulders. He always said I was too tensed. Yeah well, you'd be tensed too if someone or something was always trying to kill you and all your friends as well as wipe out the whole entire town. 

"To get to the Kumicho." Mr. Argent answered. "I watched as they fired their shots, every bullet hitting them but nothing stopped them. It was like they were completely un-phased, it was bizarre. Even an Alpha werewolf is slowed down by a bullet wound, but these creatures...they just kept moving forward and soon, they had cut down every living thing in their way." 

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I lightly touched the mark behind my ear with my finger tips. "Did they mark him like they did us?" I asked, feeling the pain and fear from when they marked me. God, this town couldn't be any weirder. 

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