Prayer For the Dying

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"Somebody speak to me

Cause I'm feeling like hell"  

"Are you out of your freaking mind?" Derek raised his voice at me as we went into Isaac's room. I texted Derek to meet me at the hospital, and when I told him what I was planning to do, well... saying he's less than thrilled is a bit of an understatement. Borderline ready to kick my ass, ehhh. 

I'd say he was ready to finally rip someone's throat out, mine. 

I gulped, reluctantly turning around to look at the scary and angry Hale. "Look, Derek..I know it's risky. But it's worth the risk.." I tried explaining to the hot headed werewolf but I don't think he was listening. 

"do you know what you would be giving up?" Derek asked me, staring at me as he stepped closer to me. "Do you fully understand what you're giving up? You're giving up your spark, the spark that makes you an Alpha..If you give that up for Isaac, you won't be an Alpha anymore..Yo-.." 

"I'm perfectly fine with that because it was never mine to begin with." I interrupted him, feeling myself breathing harder and harder. As soon as I said this, Derek stayed quiet as this look spread across his face. It was the kind of look that was sad mixed with confused. "I know what I'm giving up and I'm telling you that I don't care, this Alpha power, it was never meant for me. I mean, I was hardly an Alpha anyway. The only reason I have this Alpha power is because someone close to me gave it up for me to live..I can't think of a better way to give it up then to use it to help someone I care about..If Isaac can live, if he'll be okay then i don't care about the risks or about not being an Alpha anymore.." 

" I never wanted to be an Alpha, I never wanted to be a werewolf.." I sighed, turning to stare down at Isaac as I held his hand. "I never cared about the power..I only ever cared about finding my parents killer, I only cared about finishing my mission and reaching the end of my path.. Now that I'm done and I'm on a new path-I don't need it anymore..I don't want it, I never have..." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. 

I took a couple of deep breaths, turning around to look back at Derek. I expected him to yell at me, kick my ass and try to talk me out of what I'm about to do but I was wrong. I thought he'd kick my ass or yell but I was wrong. 

"It's okay, I understand..I just-I don't think you fully understand what this would mean." Derek said, half above a whisper. "I just want you to know the risk of what you're doing.." 

I could't help but form a small smile on my face. "I do.." I whispered back before turning to look down at Isaac. "Just tell me what to do...please. I-I love him and I can't just let him die..So, please..Derek, I'm begging you to help give me a chance to save him." 

Derek took a deep breath before looking over at me, slightly nodding his head. "You know, I was in love once.." Derek said, commenting how love only leads to pain and heartbreak. Well, it wouldn't be love without either of those things. But I knew from his choice of words he was talking about Paige. I can't imagine how it must feel after all these years, it probably still feels like yesterday... 

I nodded my head, still having the tears in my eyes. "You can love again, what's stopping you?" I asked him, curious myself for the answer. Derek's not a bad looking guy, he might come off as a total dickwad but when you get to know him, he's actually a big teddy bear. He should have every girl falling head over heels for him. He can have anyone he wants, in my opinion if I ever allowed myself to say that out loud.. 

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