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(n.) the phobia of loosing someone you love

The wire was flying towards Kira, she kept backing away but this wire was like draw towards her or something freaky. An ambulance was driving, the wire flying towards it and making it crash. The ambulance struck a water pipeline, causing water to start going everywhere and flooding the ground surrounding us. 

I looked up, seeing Allison and Isaac pull up. "Isaac!" I started running towards him, trying to get to him. I was about within arms reach of him until something distracted me. 

"Get back! Everyone get back! Everyone get back!" I heard Kira yelling, I turned around to stop running to see what she was talking about when I finally noticed what had happened. I saw the electrical wire land on the water, electrocuting the paramedic and a woman getting out of her car.

I tried running to go help the paramedic but before I could step foot on the water, I heard Isaac yelling my name. 

"Savannah! No!" Isaac yelled at me, grabbing my shoulder and tossing me back. 

I landed on the ground, staring up as I watched him step on the water and get electrocuted. "Isaac!" I screamed, watching his face go blank before falling to the ground and in the water. "No, no! Isaac!" I screamed, trying to go after him but Allison held me back. 

Oh my god, what just happened. 

I felt my heart stop again for the 39584986 time this day, not fully grasping what the hell just happened. I screamed, fighting against Allison as I just watched Isaac laying there. He wasn't moving at all, I tried listening for his heartbeat but I couldn't hear it. I couldn't hear a heartbeat. 

But then again, maybe I was so distracted I don't even know what to do. I cried as I watched Isaac laying there, his eyes still opened as he seemed to be looking straight at me. 

I was so distracted with what had just happened to Isaac, not even realizing that awesome badass ninja style that was happening in front of me. I looked up from Allison's arms to see Kira doing some awesome backflip, landing on the ground as she picked up the electrical wire. 

We all watched in awe as she placed her palm over the end that was sparking and just like at the power station.. She seemed to be absorbing the power. Kira's eyes turned a bright orange and she seemed completely captivated by the electric power surging through her. 

Suddenly her eyes blinked and they were back to normal. We all stared at her for a couple of seconds until I pushed myself away from Allison, crawling over to Isaac as I tried checking for a pulse. His eyes were open, the veins on his neck popping out and some of his skin was burnt. I placed one hand over the wound, trying to stop the blood as I kept checking for a pulse. His skin was blistering, his blood literally all over my hands as I moved my hair out of my face, but I couldn't find a pulse. 

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