Full Moon Rising.

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Isaac and Derek were now running around town, trying to find Savannah before she killed someone. She was in a fit of distress and they needed to find her before she caused a whole Peter scene what with killing everyone in sight.

"We need to find her, she's going to hurt someone...and that'll kill her." Isaac looked towards his Alpha while they stopped to try and see which way her scent went. They suddenly heard a scream coming from towards the school, and they both exchanged a look before running towards the sound. When they got close enough, that's when they saw what was really in front of them.


And she was biting the hell out of someone's neck. She kept on biting their neck like she was some sort of blood thirsty monster until she finally let the body hit the ground with a thud. She stared down at the body she had completely destroyed, bite marks, scratches, it looked like she took a chew toy and ripped it to pieces. Once she turned towards the two of them. Her face was covered in blood and her eyes were red, she looked pretty damn scary. She was growling at them as she charged at them. Derek tried to stop her but she through him back, making him land on his back as if he almost didn't weight anything, before going after Isaac. She growled as she grabbed a hold of him and held him to the ground.

"Savannah...please..." Isaac coughed as he tried to get out of her grip. "Please, don't do this...this...it-it isn't you..."

"You don't know the real me.." Was all Savannah growled before making a move to bring her claws to slash Isaac apart but that's when Derek tackled her to the ground before she could make another move. He injected her with a little bit of ketamine that Deaton had given them but it seemed to only slow her down. She still growled and fought against him, her judgment being clouded by the full moon.

"Savannah, it's me. It's Derek. It's Derek..." Derek tried getting through to her and he did. Once she noticed the tone in his voice, she stopped growling and looked up at him. Her face slowly transformed back to normal as she started taking deep breaths. "It's okay, you're okay.."

Savannah didn't say anything as she turned her head towards the body of the person she had killed just seconds before. Savannah started shaking her head, letting out small cries. "did I-did I do this?" Her voice cracked as she looked towards Isaac, who had this look on his face that she didn't even need him to give an answer. "No! I didn't mean to..I didn't mean to hurt anybody, I never wanted to hurt anybody.." Savannah cried as her tears were mixing with the blood still on her face. Both Isaac and Derek shared this heartbreaking look as he stared down at his fellow Alpha in complete and utter pain.

"I know, it's okay." Derek tried calming her down but his words were being drowned out by her cries. "I know.."

Savannah turned her head towards Isaac as she saw the look he was giving about the whole entire scene. He was scared of her. And she never wanted that. "I'm sorry, i'm so sorry.." She cried as she felt like she was going to explode from the pain she was feeling.

Derek tried soothing her before leaning back a little to try and help her up. "It's okay. Come on, Isaac and I will get you home..."

Derek tried reaching for her hand but she smacked it away, crying and shaking her head. "No, i don't have a home! I haven't had a home in so long...!" She cried out loud as Derek looked down at her in heartbreak, knowing there was nothing he could do to take this pain away. It was emotional pain she was in, more than physical pain. If he could take away emotional pain too, he would.. but he couldn't. "I have no one! I haven't had anyone in a long time!...Everyone's dead! They're all dead!...Please, make it stop! Make it stop! Please, god I hate it! Make it stop!" She begged Derek as she looked up at him with her red eyes still in tact. "Please, kill me..I don't wanna hurt anyone..Please kill me! Kill me, please..." She begged him but he just shook his head, injecting her with a bit more ketamine before picking her up in his arms as he started caring her back towards the loft.

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