Mad House

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"   To those of you who think you can take it

We say welcome to the Mad House   "

It seemed like yesterday that I had last seen Stiles. I could remember every single detail about him, could remember exactly what he sounded like. It felt like I had just seen him when in reality, I haven't seen him in months. I promised him I would come back, that I would be better. And I was keeping that promise, I was trying to be better. 

Sadly, Derek's training didn't seem to be working. 

I cried out in pain, nightmares plaguing me every single time I closed my eyes. It was like I could feel it, could still feel the electricity going through me. It haunted every single corner of my dreams; turning them into nightmares. I couldn't sleep, I could hardly eat and whenever I closed my eyes, I felt like I was dying. 

Derek tried helping me, he tried helping me get in control of my shift again but it didn't seem to be working. Derek had locked me inside of my room in the loft, trying to keep me from ripping any of their heads off. 

I continued to cry out in pain, falling to the floor as I could see Derek with his arms crossed in front of his chest, staring down at me. I looked up at him through my blurry red vision, trying to focus on anything other than the excruciating pain I was currently in. But it was hard; the only thing that was kind of making it better was thinking about Stiles.. 

"Control it." Derek ordered me. 

I screamed out in pain, my claws scrapping against the floor. "I can't!" I growled, feeling my teeth ripping through my gums. I felt my face starting to shift and I could hear my bones cracking. I was shifting, it was my first full moon. It was only five in the afternoon but it was starting. I had been dreading this moment for a while, it was the first full moon after what Gerard did to me. 

"Try harder." Derek said. 

"I said I can't- I can't do it!" I cried, feeling like I was a bout to completely shift any second before hearing a familiar heartbeat getting closer. "" I cried while feeling my breathing getting heavier and heavier. Derek must have knew it too since he locked the door behind him and walked downstairs. I heard everything  going on and the familiar heartbeat that's sound to my ears became louder when I heard the loft door open. I knew that stiles was here, but he should be here, it's dangerous. I told him to stay away. 

"You shouldn't be here." I heard Derek commented towards Stiles. 

I pictured Stiles rolled his eyes at the sour wolf, acting completely un-phased by the warning from the werewolf. "Oh please, you're not my Alpha so you don't tell me what to do." Stiles sassed Derek before I could hear him coming towards the stair case. 

I wanted to see Stiles; I needed to see him. He was the only thing that was keeping me from going completely crazy; I didn't want him to have to see me like this. I didn't want him to be scared of me; I couldn't risk hurting him. Derek had warned me that seeing Stiles was a mistake, that I would end up getting him killed. But I didn't listen, I had to see Stiles.. 

So I did, behind Derek's back but of course he knew, he always knew everything somehow. 

It was stupid but Stiles being here, still coming to tell me he loves me and everything, giving me hope, it was my favorite part of every day. Stiles would come by, see how I was doing, and then he would tell me how he knew I was going to get better before telling me he loves me. Stiles kept me sane, I was trying to get in control for him but he was my anchor.. I couldn't live without him, a world without him is a world where I don't ever want to know. 

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