Bleeding Out

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" ... And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you  ... "

Lydia was gone, the Nogitsune had taken Stiles form, and we had no way of killing him. This was just fantastic, freaking fantastic. Right now, we were all wondering around and trying to figure out some sort of plan. But me? I was upstairs with Stiles right now. We had laid him on Scott's bed, Ms. McCall checking to make sure he was okay. Once she informed us that Stiles was medically okay and definitely a real person, she left to give the two of us some time alone. 

"You're going to be okay.." I reminded Stiles, lightly pushing his hair back and out of his face. 

Stiles was tapping his fingers and staring up at the ceiling. Ms. McCall may have said he was okay but he sure didn't look like he was okay. He kind of ... he kind of looked like he was dying. And the thought of that killed me. 

"Okay, I'm okay but am I really me?" Stiles asked, turning his head to look up at me. 

I quickly nodded my head. "Of course, of course you're really you. I'd recognize that heart beat anywhere...You're going to be okay, now..You're going to be okay. You're really you, and I'm going to protect you. I'll keep you safe, I won't let anyone hurt you." I reminded Stiles but he just shook his head. 

"There's only one way to make sure.." He whispered as our heads shot towards the doorway, seeing Scott come into the room with a  certain look on his face. Stiles slowly sat up, staring back at Scott. "Is she here..?" He asked. 

"Yeah." Scott answered. 

"Okay, let's do this." Stiles replied before getting out of bed. 


"remember how I said I knew it was you? Well, I'm positive because only you would think of such a dangerous and dumbass plan, thinking it's a good idea, like this." I argued with Stiles as I stepped in front of him, glaring towards Kira's mom and two of her Oni. 

Kira's mom had her hands in her trench coat pocket, just glaring back at us. "Do you recognize me?" She asked Stiles. I tried keeping him back but he patted my shoulder, giving me this look. I sighed, nodding my head slowly before stepping aside and watching as he walked over towards Kira's mom. 

Before Stiles could say anything, that's when Kira ran into the room. "Stop." She begged her mom, trying to stop what was about to happen, from happening. 

"It's okay, I'm the one who asked her to come." Stiles warned Kira, slowly stepping closer to her mom. 

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords." Kira pointed out to Stiles. Did I mention that I really like this girl? See, I wasn't the only one thinking this plan was a dumbass one. Stiles is going to get hurt and I don't think Kira would like it if I ripped out her mom's throat because she killed Stiles. "Mom, don't do this to him." Kira begged her mom again. 

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