Battle Cry

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After walking out of my childhood home, Stiles and I decided to make our way back to Beacon Hills. It was time to deal with all the crap that was going on back at home. Once we got back to town, Scott had texted me that he needed to talk to me. Since I was techancally staying with him, I just had Stiles drop me off. 

When I got off the car, I walked straight up towards Scott's room. Where he was waiting for me with what he was absolutely right about. It was completely urgent. Apparently the Alpha's were staying in the same building as the Argent's. Boyd and Cora had followed the twins there, but when Scott had raced towards Derek's to tell him what he had learned, they were already planning something...Something bad. 

"Wait, wait..." I laughed slightly before shaking my head and bringing a hand up to my forehead. I felt like it was being ripped apart after what Scott had told me. "Derek's planning on...WHAT?!" 

"You heard me..." Scott sighed. "He's planning on going after Deucalion. Attacking him...They were talking about cutting off the head of the snake and the snake dying.. They're going after Deucalion, only Deucalion." 

I shook my head. This has got to be one of the dumbest plans I've ever heard of. 

"But we're not dealing with just a pack of werewolves...We're dealing with a pack of Alphas. All of them are Alphas. Okay? We're not dealing with just a single snake...We're dealing with a Hydra. And what happened when Hercules tried cutting off the head of a Hydra?" 

"Two more grow in it's place." Scott answered quietly. 

I shrugged my shoulders before rubbing my forehead. "We can't let him go through with this..We can't Scott. He's going to get Boyd, Cora, Isaac, and hell even Peter and himself killed.! We can't let them go through with this dumbass plan." I started pacing back and forth, trying to come up with a logical solution to how we could stop Derek before he gets himself and everyone else killed. 

"We're not." Scott answered. "Here, put this on and let's go." Scott tossed me his extra motorcycle helmet. I caught it easily, looking down at it in my hands before looking back up at him. This was not going to end well. I had a feeling. Before either of us could say anything, that's when Isaac suddenly walked into the room. 

"Where are you two going?" Isaac questioned us. 

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