Surfacing Feelings.

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I sighed out loud as i had my arms crossed in front of my chest, I couldn't help but feel my head ready to explode. All the pain, all the sadness, everything that I was allowing myself to feel right now was driving me crazy. I needed to get my mind off of this somehow.

Which is what i've been trying to do as I took another sip from the bottle I had taken from Peter's stash. Huh? Guess he is good for something. I took one long gulp until I finally found myself feeling a bit fuzzy. I let out a loud sigh once again before deciding that it was time to get away from this place for a little while, it was time to let loose.

Which is exactly what I plan on doing right now. Hopefully this is not going to end horribly for me.. God only knows what happens when I let down my guard.


Third person's point of view:

Isaac entered the loft, expecting to find Savannah there, maybe crying at least since he had a bag full of things he thought would help her cheer up. But instead of finding a heart broken Savannah, he found nothing but an empty bottle on the table and what seemed to be a ripped up picture of her and Stiles.

Isaac cursed to himself slightly before setting down the bag full of all the girly movies he could find and icecream before closing his eyes trying to catch her scent. He smelled her scent in the air, to him it smelled like red roses and orchids. But there was another smell in the air that intertwined with her's, it was alcohol. And by the smell of it, Isaac knew that she had taken a much more... different approach to dealing with her feelings.


Isaac followed Savannah's scent all the way to what looked like a sleazy karaoke bar. He looked up at the building and for a second thought that maybe he followed the wrong way but that's when he heard something in the distance.

"Hit me with your best shot. Ooh yeah!"

That was Savannah's voice.

Isaac shook his head before going around the building and trying to sneak in through another entrance. He managed to sneak in through the top and started to make his way through the bar to spot Savannah on stage, singing, and appearing very drunk. Isaac couldn't help but break into a bit of laughter when he noticed the look on Savannah's face when she finally noticed him by the bar. She started smiling and jumping up and down, waving at him to come to stage.

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